Black lives matter,
I am black,
I am beautiful,
I am dark,
My life does matter,
Black lives matter,
does my own even matter?
I am happy to be black,
why should I die like
I am not human?
My life ,a frustration,
I am in smiles,
my life to me is tasty, not an oppression,
Is my black life not important?
Black is beauty,
black lives matter.
I have a dream, I have a dream,
I have a dream.
One day ,
blacks shall rule,
I have a dream,
that the black beauty,
the beautiful ashes of our blackness,
shall be great,
I have a dream.
Black lives matter,
black is beauty,
black is the cradle of mankind,
black is blessed,
Stop black discrimination,
black lives matter.
Matter that matters,
green and white lives matters
more than black lives matter.
Do black lives really matter
or we are just being played
pitter-patter? Like an iron-
hitting a wood.
Green lives are losing matter:
The soul of crops get shatter
and long for water daily,
Like a sojourner with no jar.
White lives matter turns
the sky at dusk or an empty room
fuming with stillness under-
the air dressed in fear.
Our lives seek refuge in a bunker,
because we no longer matter.
To the hand that keep moulding digits
on a sheet and scaring us with it.
So, since green and white lives
are losing matter. The way
to go seems like an iroko tree,
stretching farther and fatter.
Does black lives really matter
or we are just being the sand,
driven around by flood.
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