Where numbers were wished to become valuable notes,
barrows are made to carter their nothern struggles,
butterflies dare not tread these places– it wings might see the face of doom/ even lions succumb to its travails at times...
Don't walk these plains if you don't have the ear for noise– of thievery, anger, hustle and maybe the audible sobs of an empty stomach,
On this side... I am still there,
we sell our sweats for a penny
so don't come near if you don't have the arm for struggles,
an eye for ruthlessness,
legs for swiftiness– who knows when the men in black will go berserk again...
Valour is all that matters on this side
and that's why we are still breathing
so tell them...
these streets ain't just for poets...
Like I used to say.
The first crack lines
on the other side you see,
are butchered fountains of hope.
Those struggles are driven by "at least"
don't let our grave mock us,
dying not feeling at home "again".
The second crack noises you hear,
like the roars of the OAU lions.
Pale - sick but weave with fury.
Yeah, just that - rage - nothing more...
The crack lines/voices behind the wall of our lives,
on the other side of the street
ain't for poet / but strong poets
who still can scribe/not the dead ones who've given up but still live.
The sacred memory_better locked in Oblivion,
trembling feet of ill_fated,
walls of facade
wih a glamorous appearance
glittering shone all a mirage.
Lies the stone_which mustn't be turned
for in it begot tools of destruction.
Sweet sounds of pain agonize the dwellers
where death is soothing
on the other side lies the most dreadful
history of mankind.
On the other side, lies
blind heart: swimming in his sweat
heading to verge of nowhere in eve
to dredge his sepulchre
For who knows? He said
of what rain the fountain would pour.
On the other side, stucks
half-closed effete eyes,
being Fueled by fountain of "at least",
to sleep not.
but to rubberneck life in reverse.
So tell the snake
to not walk his path.
This is a rock without pebbles
for legs with no nails walks not.
Sip not with him
from the gloomy tears
He seeks in nights..
Oh!.. Sit on the other side of terrace,
it is a prisoner of war: whose eyes might not catch 'morrow
Where chicks are entitlement
to wild eagles - daily meal,
and the latter are carcasses
to sky hunters for fat belly
Where eye-catching dreams
could only come true,
at times the nose grunts
and during every moment
all bodies strike poses,
for clear and clean shot.
Yes, this very side,
we value sewerages over beverages,
open skies over thatched roofs
and whenever the moon visits
our lips widen their coast.
and EM_EM.
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