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_“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...”_ –U.S. Declaration of Independence. 

Humanity is Fallen, and thus, no law, institution or system it creates can solve its problem. This is a key difference between secular anthropology and Christian anthropology. Secular anthropology has an idealist perception of humanity where people can hold themselves up to the noblest principles. Christian anthropology, however, says that _“The (human) heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked,”_ (Je 17:9).

The 4th manifestation of Man’s unbelief is more subtle but equally pernicious:   

MISOGYNY: It is a verifiable, incontrovertible fact that all human systems – ancient or modern, religious or secular, ultraconservative or uber-liberal – inherently disfavour women. NOT just male (patriarchal) systems, but male AND female systems throughout human history effectively hurt women, most times deliberately. 

This fact is all the more important in today’s culture where the convergence of education, financial independence, gender sensitivity, the #MeToo and ‘woke’ movements, etc. is giving women the illusion that they'll finally get what they’ve never had after Eden. 

For space constraints we’ll focus solely on the latest human innovation that is (predictably) hurting women badly: the “Woke” Movement. 

Originally meant to be slang for alertness to racial discrimination, the term “woke” today has become shorthand for left-wing ideas involving identity politics and social justice. Under this enabling atmosphere arose the #MeToo movement, #BlackLivesMatter, and legalisation of same-sex marriage. But for some (not-so-) strange reason, the movement midway suddenly turned its sights on women and started hurting their cause.

_“Toxic masculinity”_ and _“fluid (i.e. transgender) sexuality”,_ ideologies has stopped women from being defended when attacked, forced girls to compete with biological boys in sports, trapped women in prison cells with male criminals, and, (in order not to offend Trans-women), _real_ women – i.e. the women who've been suffering gender inequality throughout human history – are now being dehumanized by being referred to as “chest feeders” or “birthing people”. 

(Note the unevenness of the 'woke' controversies: they never seem to affect men, only women. Also note that the political instigators of these policies are… women). 

True lasting equality for women can only be found in a Man: Jesus. If mainstream Feminists were sincere, they'd spend less time antagonizing the Bible and the Gospel message, and more time embracing God's original agenda for His daughters. 


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