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Thursday,29th September 2022
3rd Rabiul Awwal 1444AH

 _Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you_ 🌸

First of,have you observed _Solah Subhi_ ?

Alhamdulillah,I know you've observed,just checking👀.

But have you said your adhkar yet?

Oh it's not part of your schedule?

Do you know how powerful that _adhkar_ is?

Wait,you know? But it's this spirit of laziness _abi_?

Come,let me let you in on something that can help,will you?

I have this adhkar as starred message on my phone,so whenever I want to put on my data,I make sure I go to WhatsApp first,click on my starred message then I start my adhkar.

On days when my battery is down?

I own a small but very powerful book, citadel of the believer.

It should be around _200naira_ thereabout.

 _Take it wherever you go like MTN_👀. But make sure you chant your adhkar,not just in the morning but in the evening too.

May Allah continue to protect us.

Always chant your adhkar, _things dey occur o_.

Till you read from me again,

Stay happy🫶🏽

Your sister in Faith,

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