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Confined in a dark traditional bleak
clay pot,
Controlled by lifeless calous icy cold hands,
sending a convulsive shiver to my fear ridden spine;
goose bumps splashed on my pulplish skin.
My life is a shadow of a ploy devised covertly by jealous reincarnated gimolo,
In the body of uncle _Zvaigosvikepi_ 
Who manipulate my steps
Mastermind my plans
Simultaneously I live in his clay pot,
while I am a faint silhouette fading from stalwart.

With his fiery cohorts, 
fleet of hooting owls
army of jeering hyenas
Intelligence of mewing cats!
a curled hissing anaconda,
spitting threats!
A handful of night paralysis!
from the briefcase loaded with deadly charms.

I don't dare to close eyes at night,
I don't come to rural area at daylight lest
they saw me
invoking more gallons of his wrath!

Blurred goblins hysterically assail me,
Fogy images fumble in my thoughts
scraping, raking and wiping all element of courage,
leaving my mind echoing with cowardice!
With wet pants,stamped with a morsel of faeces sculpted with fear!

father bought a new plough!
Sister was married?
I passed my exams?
My young brother flew to America?



The poet personae pours out the annoyance at being under the shadows of another man who controls his lifestyle. Within him, wishes to be different from what he is forced to do. The duality of his life disturbs him so much, that he is unable to sleep comfortably at night.

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