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_“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;”_ – Hos 4:6  

The Bible is a spiritual book: it was inspired by the Holy Spirit (2Tim 3:16) and thus carries the omnipotence of its author. Ecc 8:4 says, _“Where the word of a king is, there is power:”_ and where the  word of the King of Kings is, we can expect to experience supernatural, miracle-working power from it.

Spiritually powerful as the Bible is, however, it must be noted that it is _not_ a spell book. It is not a book for warding off demons, invoking curses, or bringing good luck! There’re Christians who study the Bible much the same way students of the fictional school of Hogwarts would  study their _“Standard Book of Spells;”_ (and some even wield it at demons the same way Harry Potter would wield his wand).

Today, we see some Christian scour the Bible looking for appropriate “Psalms” to use for their enemies, some putting Bibles under their pillows at night ostensibly to ward off evil spirits, and yet others repeatedly chanting certain verses like mantras in order to invoke it’s power into their lives. 

Actions like these actually betray fundamental ignorance of God’s Word in those Christians. And just like our Lord said in Mat 22:29, these persons _“do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God!”_

The power of the Bible is not from the book itself, but in the inspired _information_ it contains; and according it with magical powers or use it like a tool outside of the limits placed on it by God is a only a manifestation of unbelief (even idolatry). 

The Bible is God’s message to us about salvation (2Tim 3:15); and the _“exceedingly great and precious promises”_  in it are for our _“life and godliness”_ (2Pet 1:3,4). We must approach the Bible each time we read it, with faith, not with superstition and carnality. 

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