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_“…neither were thankful…”_ – Rom 1:21
_“…Is he the only one who came back to give praise to God?”_ – Lk 17:18 (ERV). 

During a prayer session some time ago, a friend of mine talked of how, after boiling an egg, she paused to think on the incredible phenomenon of how something that was previously fragile and watery becomes solid and hardened just by the addition of heat. To her, the process was quite remarkable, and she worshipped God for it.

While it was already peculiar that my friend considered the hardening of an egg a miracle, the fact that she proceeded to thank God for making eggs that way sounded rather odd to me!

Surely, if she knew a thing or two about biochemistry, she’d have known that what she considered ‘miraculous’ was simply _“denaturation –”_ the process in which the bonds that hold the molecules of proteins together get disrupted as a result of chemicals, radiation, agitation… or _heat!_ 

Certainly, if my friend had elementary knowledge of food chemistry, she’d know that heat makes the proteins in eggs to clump together and solidify – causing the albumen and yolk to harden.

These are just conjectures, of course. My friend happens to be quit learned. The profundity of her thanksgiving lay in the fact that she (like all food scientists) made an observation on the behaviour of eggs when heated; but she then went on (unlike the scientists) to recognise that Someone must have made the eggs to behave that way. And if He did, then He deserves to be thanked for it.

In fact, I began wondering if, like the single Samaritan leper of Luke 17, my friend was the _only_ person in human history to thank God for making eggs harden upon heating. While that sounds like a stretch, it’s not implausible. (Do you know of anyone who’d done that?) 

The point is: knowing _how_ something happens shouldn’t make you forget _Who_ made it happen. We may have clear explanations for everything in our lives: our education, wealth, health, spirituality, etc. But knowing how you got something is different from acknowledging that _Someone_ made it possible for you to have it.  

If you haven't already done so today, take a few seconds and say to God, _“Thank you for boiled eggs… and for everything else!”_ 

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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