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_“…neither were thankful…”_ – Rom 1:21  

We currently live in a world where iniquity seems to have gone on overdrive. A world where morality has been turned on its head and subjective opinions are elevated over plain truths.

The world we find ourselves today is one where young heterosexuals insist on having sex outside of marriage while their homosexual counterparts fight to do the same thing _within_ marriage. It’s a world where race is elevated over humanity, children are brazenly sexualised, killing the unborn is actively encouraged, and misogyny is celebrated in the name of “trans rights”.

How did we get here?

The Apostle Paul has an answer. An answer that, at first glance, looks unrelated to the problem. In his analysis of the moral decline of all cultures (Rom 1:18-32), one key trait he noted as the fountainhead of all depravity is *unthankfulness –* _the act of not acknowledging God for what He has done._

Before we complain about the violation of the privacy of our daughters by boys who _“identify”_ as girls, before we feign righteous outrage at crossdressers dancing erotically to our children in the name of  _“drag queen story hour”,_ etc. we must remind ourselves that this didn’t happen overnight.

According to Paul, what we are reaping today is the harvest from seeds sown centuries earlier when we stopped acknowledging God in our culture. It started with science, then it entered education, politics, sports, and now universally. 

And what is true for society is also true for individuals as well. The practice of gratitude to God is on the decline among people. Perhaps it is because science can now _explain_ everything, perhaps we are now more educated than our ‘superstitious’ ancestors, perhaps it is because we can now achieve just about anything we need in this interconnected, technology-driven world of ours. Perhaps.

There may be no single reason to attribute to the decline of praise to God; but Paul makes us know that one thing is certain: the moment we stop being thankful, we are isolating ourselves from the very source of our life. And when that happens, any form of destruction can ensue. 

If you have not already done so today, take a few seconds and say to God, _“Thank you…_
_for everything!”_ 

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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