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We were imprisoned for life,
before we were born,
by our Destiny, when 
God engraved bold lines 
of Bad Luck on our palms. 
We were allowed to grow, study 
and learn the virtues of life, 
of mankind and the world. 
But were not allowed to 
reap the rewards of these :
not allowed to enjoy marital bliss, 
not allowed a sound career, 
not allowed to let our talents 
bloom with all their fragrance, 
not allowed to let our intelligence 
reach out to the world, 
not allowed to enjoy 
the joys of relationships, 
not allowed the peace of 
a comfortable home,
not allowed name or fame, 
not allowed to enjoy 
sound health or wealth -
Caged birds with beautiful wings 
not allowed to fly or 
even flap their wings.
Those birds are still lucky -
at least can breathe
from between the sleeks
of the cage bars.
We were not fortunate enough ! 
We were pushed behind 
multiple layers of prisons -
Living corpses, partially strangled, 
suffocated : every moment 
a struggle for existence, 
every moment in fear 
of the next moment,
Hurricanes and Typhoons
slashing through us each moment.
Having forgotten that 
there exists in the dictionaries -
a word called "Freedom" !
Fate has already dug our grave,
and Time, which has shown 
little mercy on us,
is steadily pushing us 
towards the grave.
Life without life and
Death without death 
is our only achievement 
and biggest experience of life ! 


The poet persona uses language beautifully and simply to portray the tears of one hustling without no joy of the fruits at the end.

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