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Every day I hold my tears as you lay on the bed, 
tears and pain of the miseries I can't fathom, 
the joy and light that was at home, 
now things are dark and blue, 
no sight of the ever smiling you, 
dad if only I could trade places I could take your pain. 

I have never stopped praying and fasting, 
faith and everlasting prayers, 
eyes red like ripe tomatoes, 
no peace of mind since you are walking away. 

There are those days that I wonder, 
why me?  Should my dad suffer? 
Questions that only HE can answer, 
dad as you lay there helplessly I fee the pain, 
pain of a daughter lacking a father figure, 
pain of a daughter who will be taken advantage of, 
pain of a daughter who had a father, 
pain of a daughter who will walk herself sadly. 

Dad as you will be reading this poem, 
know this pain will never be taken away, 
these tears will never dry, 
and my eyes will never ease to cry, 
the future is promising but dark, 
all I want and wish for is my dad.

Your grandchildren will one day ask for you, 
how you looked when you smile, 
how angry you were when I was in wrong, 
how you work and walk to provide, 
I will tell them you were my oasis of happiness, 
a soul that my soul got chained with, 
a man who was loving and protective, 
I will tell them even more since you are my hero daddy, 
no matter the circumstances I will always love you father.

(Cyra the poet)

The poet persona praises his father and appreciates his father constituting a positive part in his life.

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