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A submission to the African young writers, intanga hub, Ethiopia.

_Thunderstorm warning in the trench hideaway_

First soldier: singing
         Should I be alive!
         When the pace of          
         soldiers are send to           
         And cups of wine in 
         blood desert are 
         serve with mouthful 
         of peace
         So then I'll go home
          For long the days
          Have seen my 3 
          day old baby;
           Then I'll sing...
Second soldier: hey sergeant, captain wants to see you, take your damn butt off the ground..

_Both walks towards the hideout_

First soldier: so tell me sergeant, how many children did you leave behind? 
Second soldier: oh that, I heard in your song about baby.. mine was just three years old with his little 2 month old foetus. Hey watch your leap, and don't lump that filthy boot of yours to that log..
First soldier: _guggles_   that you called fifthly has saved my weary soul you know.. 
*Soldiers shattering in the trench*
Captain: hey!! God damnit, the truck cost years to get to us, measure it's load of soldiers before setting out you old craps!!..
Soldiers: yes sir! (Chorus)

_In the major general inn_
The first two soldiers: sir!! _(Chorus)_
Major General: _stands from his seat_ sergeant take this letter to the east coast colonel to stop him from the dawn attack, it's a false plan from the enemy.
First soldier: sir, the outside trench hideaway has been vigorously threatening from the Germany, it's a death if I take my body up there, why not taking the Roger means of...
Major general: _takes back his seat_, sergeant you have only till tonight to make it up, and don't forget you have a brother there, and if this false attack should come from the colonel, trust me you won't want the death of your brother!!
Second soldier: but sir..
Major general: say no more, you are dismissed!!  _stretch  forth his finger to the door_
The two soldiers: yes sir _both shun with respect_

*Soldiers shattering in the trench*

Second soldier: wait soldier, let's make a plan and stop being hurry
First soldier: it's my brother and I can't take to ease this moment..
Second soldier: then for a seconds, it's dangerous out there, you can't just risk your life like that..
First soldier: you know, it's not your brother.. please don't hold me back..

_Soldiers running Helter skelter_
Soldier: he is losing much blood take him down to the... Oh he's dead, drop him.. 
Captain: fall back soldiers!!!!

Second soldier: alright wait up, am coming with you...

First soldier: captain sir, the major general has ordered me to go to the east coast wing and pass information to them with no time to waste.
Captain: _turn his face and look awfully on him_ open the trench pull up and let him, ohh.. let them go!!
Second soldier: thanks captain
Captain: take this short carrier trigger once you find your life out of the front war, pull it for notification..
First soldier: alright sir
Captain: _taps him on his shoulder_

Second soldier: are you ready buddy? _Asked wearily_
First soldier: yes I am..
Second soldier: wait, after me.. _gun cocks_

_On the devastated war ground, seen are wasted bunks of bullet, machine guns, wasted nuclear weapons, thousands of dead bodies lied mercilessly on the pitch while birds and rats feed on them and destroyed bullet proof solid bags_
First soldier: holy shit!.. _Both pacing steadily on the devastated war ground_ 

_Sikorsky R-6 of the German soldiers flies off the abandoned sky_

Second soldier: lie down on the ground and seem lifeless _both rushes to the ground_

_After long pacing_
Second soldier: over there is the enemy's trench! We should che...
First soldier: _hurries up to the trench_
Second soldier: damn you.. _follows him_
First soldier: seems to be no body here..
Second soldier: they left! _adjusting his backed long gun_ what's that?
First soldier: I saw something here! It's their left overs..
_Rat squatting_
Second soldier: don't touch anything there 
_Rough sound blast_
First soldier: _coughing then dust himself_ sergeant! Sergeant!!
Second soldier: _grunts faintly_
First soldier: sergeant where are you? Speak up!! Speak up buddy!! 
Second soldier: _coughs heavily_
First soldier: _drags him out of the fallen walls_ let's get out, the trench is going to fall..
Second soldier: I can't see!!
First soldier: hold me and don't let go, we have to leave here as early as possible _both rushes out_..
First soldier: _(both grunts)_ God damnit
Second soldier: _(washes his face with his wine bottle)_ take out the short carrier trigger and make the shot to the captain
First soldier: _(takes out his bottle of wine )_ take it..
Second soldier: oh, _gulping_

_Gun shot!_

First soldier: let's continue moving
Second soldier: yeah.. _groans while standing up_

_After a while of walking_
Second soldier: what's that? _moves closer to him_
First soldier: seems this hut has been evaded by the Germans, let's not wait and stand our boots here..
Second soldier: _stoops at the stoop of the compound entrance_ you take the back while I follow through the front door
First soldier: year _loops forward_

Second soldier: _gasps then breath out_
First soldier: _talking from the hut window_ do you find anything?

Second soldier: nothing _stretching deeply his eyes at the tattered doll on the ground_ a baby was here _said to himself_

_Both moving around the compound_ _(cow mooing)_

Second soldier: _drinks from a garden wooden bucket_ this taste good 

_Shoppers flying over the space_

First soldier: is those ours?
Second soldier: yea I think so
First soldier: are we winning?
Second soldier: it's two on one, we are winning!
_Chopper cracks and lose wings_
Second soldier: ohh it's down, they took him down..

_Chopper blows and catches fire_

Voice from chopper: _grunts_ haaaaaa.. help me! Help!!, Somebody help me..

First soldier: hey buddy let's help him out, he'll burn to aches..
Second soldier: oh no, he's not among us, why should we, hey wait!!
First soldier: hey there, bring your hand, William raise up the glass window...

_All gasp out_ _chopper blows in fires_

Man from chopper: grunting...
First soldier: get him water from there
Williams: _rushes to the tap_.
First soldier: no no don't, don't!!! Cries..
Williams: hey, stop it.. _gun shot!!.._ Thomas are you okay? Hey buddy!!
Thomas: _crying_ what happened to me Williams? 
Williams: you have been stabbed.. _sobs_
Thomas: am I dying?
Williams: you are bleeding heavily, don't worry you'll have to stand and and let go look for your brother _rushes out handkerchief from his clothes to stop the bleeding_ stand up buddy. _grunts_
Thomas: no I can't, stop William
Williams: you have to stand up, we can't stay here _crying_
Thomas: am sorry soldier, I can't move again _takes out a picture from his pocket_ Williams, make sure you see my brother, tell him I love him and I wanted to save him.. tell him to say hi to my mom. _groans_ will you do these for me?
Williams: _crying_ yes I Will _sobs_ just hang on there..
Thomas: _drops hands_
Williams: _sniffs_ crying

Two soldiers: hey there, is he dead?
Thomas he is!!

Major: was he your friend?
Williams: yes he was!! _looks back on Thomas dead body_
Major: where are you heading to?
Williams: major general sent me to the east coast to stop the colonel from attacking the Germans, it is a false strike from the Germans and will cause great loss to his wing.
Major: follow we, we are passing through the lake towards the coast, we can give you a lift..
Williams: _silent and touches Thomas again_
Major: leave him and follow me, it's an order!

_Engine dies off sounds_
Major: soldiers, he is one of us and we are giving him a lift to the lake
Soldiers: yes sir!
Major: hop in soldier!

_Engine kicks and moves_

_Shattering from soldiers while iron clings_

A soldier: so what happened to you?
Williams: we were sent to the colonel to stop the attack?
A soldier: how many are you?
Williams: just two
A soldier: he's dead?
Williams yes!  _Engine stop_ I have to go now

A soldier: be careful soldier!
Williams: sure
Major: we are not far, just a trigger from that will call us to you. Be save soldier!
Williams: yes sir! Thank you sir!

_Engine drive off_

_Water flows on a wretched war boat_
Williams: _breathes heavily_ pacing on a tiny footed iron walkway _gun shots repeatedly_ walking wearily while the bullets continues spraying..
Williams: (panting heavily _bends and fires back_ 
Stabs a planks make door with three shots of elbow then rushes inside, then hides his gun to his back) _grunts steadily_ 
A woman: _(speaks language)_ please don't hurt me
Williams: it's okay, am not gonna hurt you, am going to the east coast, do you know where I can find it?
A woman: _speaks language_ a river, through the river
Williams: river? Ooouch, _grunts_
A woman: you are bleeding, sit let me help you
Williams: _sits_ haaaaaa _groans in pain_
A woman it's alright.
(_Baby cries_) _moves closer to the baby_ 
Williams: ohh
A woman: (_brightening up the room with a pale lantern_)
Williams: what's her name? _Moves closer_
A woman: I don't know
Williams: who is her father?
A woman: _bends to pick her up_ I don't know

_Baby chuckles_
A woman: continue talking, seems she likes you. _smiles_
Williams: _toggles up his uniform_ I have to go now!
A woman: it's day light, they'll see you and kill you
Williams: I have to go nevertheless
A woman: please don't go 
Williams: I am sorry, I have to.. _(moves forward, then looks back, then front alternately_) _moves up to the door front and vanishes from the room_

Man voice: who's there! Gun shot!!
Williams: _(pacing towards the light)_ 
_Gun shot continues_
Williams: _(jumps from high into the river)_ 

_Water rushes_
Williams: _whoops_ _slaps water.._

_at the water banks laid lifeless swollen bodies of soldiers_
_(Then appears a gathering of soldiers, a soldier in the middle singing)_
"I want to go home!
To see my mother!
I want to go home 
To share my memories!

 I know this journey;
Is weeping at my foot;
Walking down the bright bridge;
Cold and freezing,

Yet no one is coming!
Coming for our dooms
Yet no sign of victory;
Panging at the soldiers door!

I want to go home
To see my mother
I want to go home
To share my memories

Williams walks towards the sitting soldiers, leaned towards a frozen tree and sits underneath the tree, looking frozen, wet and tired..
All soldiers: _claps and giggles_

_All stand to dispatch_

A soldier: hey guys, look what we have here!
A soldier: who is he and is he among us?
A soldier: he is wet and must be from us
Williams: I want to see the dephans _(speaking tiredly)_
A soldier: what's he saying
Williams: I want to see the dephans
A soldier: we are the dephans _looks around to be amused_
Williams: _looks up to the soldier_ please I must see the colonel _stands up staggery_ it's urgent
A soldier: we are walking back to the tent, you'll see him there!
Williams: _rushes down to the pile lines of soldiers_ please where is the captain?
A soldier: over there
Williams: captain! Captain!! You must stop the war, it shouldn't happen it's a trick from the Germans
Captains: why should I take orders from you, who are you?
Williams: am sergent Williams from the major general camp, he sent me here, I need to see the colonel
Captains: go look for him over there! _pointing to the sky_
Williams: where captain? Where?
Captain: leave here now _cart him away_ 

_Soldiers matching with energetic force towards the hideout_
Williams: please where is the colonel
A soldier: the next door please
Williams: colonel _bump by two master sergeant_

Master sergeant: you can't go in sergeant

Williams: _fights his way him_ colonel you must stop this war
Colonel: who is this?
Williams: sir! _shun with respect_ I am sergeant Williams from the major general camp, he sent me to stop you from taking the war, I have the letter sir
Colonel: take him out! It has been ordered already, you came late!
Williams: sir.. _cut short_
Colonel: I said out!!
Williams: sir, if you take this war, many lives will be lost because it's a trick from the Germans, the major general said. It's confirmed in his letter you can check sir _put forward an envelope of letter
Colonel: take it from him
Lieutenant colonel: yes sir!
Colonel: _(reading letter then squeezes it and frown)_ seize the officers and fall them back
Lieutenant colonel: yes sir!

_Fall back!!! Whistles blown heavily_

Williams: _signs deeply and takes his way out of the office_

_Soldiers matching back to camp_

Williams: where is master sergeant?
A soldier: I don't know

Williams:  _holds up a soldier_ where is master sergeant?
A soldier: I don't know _runs away_

Williams: master sergeant!!
Master sergeant: yes
Williams: it's nice to meet you sir _hands shake appropriately_ I am Williams from the major general camp, he sent me here!
Master sergeant: ohh, do you in anyway know my brother?
Williams: yes I do, we were both sent here together
Master sergeant: oh that's good, where is he? _turns back to look for him_
Williams: _sobs_ he is dead on our way _shuffles his hand inside his clothes_ he said I should give you this
Master sergent: _collects it and sobs_  am glad he had you as a friend
Williams: he loves you so and wanted to see you and mom to say he loves her too
Master sergeant: did you stop the attack?
Williams: yes and I should have come earlier to save the injured ones.

Master sergeant: you came right on time buddy, let's go to the tent together.. 

_Hold hands and dismiss from the stage._

_Curtain falls_

(Abu qaanit)

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