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_“…neither were thankful…”_ – Rom 1:21

In Eph 5 Paul enjoins the Brethren, _“There must be no evil talk among you... These are not for you. But you should be giving thanks to God.”_ And _“Always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;”_ (vs 4,20 ERV).

The giving of thanks is an integral culture of the Believer. We thank God for everything: we thank God when we wake up, we thank God before we go to sleep; we thank God when things are working, we thank God when they seem to be not; we thank God for the supernaturally extraordinary, we thank God for the drudgingly mundane; we thank God for the things we know, and we thank Him for the things we don’t know. 

Believers are simply the thanking people. Heb 13:15  says “Let us _constantly and at all times_ offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name,” (AMP).

Thanking God is our culture, thanking God is our nature; and as a Believer, you need to constantly remind yourself of this lest it slips from you. 

As established at the start of this series, unthankfulness is a distinctive trait of the unregenerated heart (Rom 1:21). Unthankfulness is also a characteristic of the Last Days (2Ti 3:2). That is why the our thankfulness as Believers is one way we distinguish ourselves in this depraved world.  

Beloved, may you be known for your inexplicable joy and perpetual gratitude. May you be known as one of those “Thank you Jesus” people; the ones with the ‘superstitious’ tendency to attribute _literally anything_ – like the simple sipping of water from a cup – to the goodness of God!

May we be known as the Thank-full people – people who are always _full_ of thanksgiving to God.


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