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_“Through faith he kept the Passover…”_ – Heb 11:28

Having just previously spoken about Moses’ escape from Pharaoh after killing an Egyptian (Heb 11:27), the next thing the inspired author of Hebrews mentions is the Passover, a time leap of over 40 years!

Hebrews chapter 11 is technically a summary of all the stories of the Old Testament. And since the way a person summarises a story gives an insight into their priorities, we have as much to learn about God and His nature by observing the parts of the Old Testament that He highlights, as well as the parts that He skips.

In his selection of the most important parts of the Old Testament that can teach us about faith in the Christ, the author of Hebrew skips over several events of the Exodus story that we’re familiar with: 

Moses’ life with Jethro, his marriage to Zipporah, the burning bush, the controversy of his son’s circumcision, his return to Egypt, his confrontation of Pharaoh, the turning of his rod into a snake, the plagues of blood, frogs, lice, flies, disease on cattle, boils, hail, locusts, and darkness were all _passed over_ to get straight to, well, the _Passover._ 😁

Humanly speaking, we'd expect to learn more about the extraordinary power of faith by studying the matter-altering miracles of sticks turning to snakes, or rivers into blood than from analysing the ancient rituals of some Semitic people living in Palestine 3,500 years ago.  

But as the Lord said in Is 55:9, _“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”_

Heb 11:28 is thus a reminder to us that true faith works by understanding God’s principles, and not by sense knowledge or mental gymnastics. 

To be continued… 


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