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Alhamdullilah, it's Jummuah 
The most anticipated day by the Muslim's ummah
The day where every single thing should abandoned for the sake of Allah 
The day where lives are drawn to the path of Allah
The day where Allah answers all the prayers of everybody alongside with Muslim's ummah.

Alhamdullilah, it's Jummuah,
Another opportunity for Muslims to increase their Ibadah
Another opportunity for Muslims to boost up their Iman
Another opportunity for Muslims to seek Istighfar
Another blessed day where Allah accepts Tawbah. 

Alhamdullilah, it's Jummuah
So, lets raise our hands in supplication to Allah
Let's pour out our hearts, our mind to Allah
Let's come together and seek the divine guidance of Allah
Let's come together and seek the mercy of Allah. 

Alhamdullilah, it's jummah, 
Let's leave everything and indulge in worshiping Allah
Let's utilize  this holy day like it's our last day on earth
For today, may be our last Jummuah
Let's make it a priority to recite Suratul - Khaf.
May Allah accept today from us as an act of Ibadah and may Allah not make today's Jummuah our last Jummuah. Amin!


The poet persona gratifies the Almighty God that she and other Muslims have witnessed Jummuah once again. She also prays for and advises her readers to support humanity on this day and forever.

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