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_“But grow in grace...”_ – 2Pet 3:18

As previously stated, the emergence of the deliverance ministry as an unofficial church group has drawn hundreds of thousands to millions to the Church – people who would otherwise never near a church door but are now avid followers, workers, evangelisers and devoted members just because of the unique emphasis of deliverance from the powers of darkness and miracles.

Crowds alone, however, are not a measure of success in God’s kingdom, but the spiritual maturity of the flock. And sadly, the disproportionate focus of spectacles of power, miracles and deliverance at the expense of doctrine has filled these churches with crowds who have a distorted picture of the Gospel, of faith, and of spirituality. 

Several unintended traits that we now have in the Body of Christ as a result of the rise of deliverance ministries are:

DEMON-FIXATION: An unhealthy fixation on all things satanic and occultic.
*Paranoia:* seeing evil in every gesture and every act.

*Sin consciousness: Always attributing contrary situations to some sin committed somewhere. 

CARNAL SPIRITUALITY: Inordinate obsession with anointing oils, mantles, and even “holy water” and crosses. 

SPIRITUAL BELLIGERENCE: A predilection to confront every issue with violence, even if spiritually. 

SPIRITISM: A greater emphasis on dreams, visions and spiritual ‘experiences’.

SATAN GLORIFICATION: Failure to see the irony of getting irritated when other Believers present the devil as weak and defeated and would rather paint him as extremely powerful, knowledgeable and masterful in wickedness. 

This list is far from exhaustive, and of course is not true for every member of a deliverance ministry; but the purpose is to sound a caution; because where these things are preponderant, spiritual maturity is shallow – even in spite of hours of prayers and days of fasting. 

It is also a cautionary call to the leaders of Deliverance ministries, to _ take heed to themselves, and to all their flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made them overseers, to feed them_ (Act 20:28). Being reminded that when their work will be judged on the Last Day, only that which remains after the fire will be rewarded, (1Co 3:13-15).

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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