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(In a dinner table , the food is served in a restaurant , and the onion, chillies , pepper and salt are in a conversation with each other about the taste of the delicacies.)

Onion🧅 : Good gracious ! What an amazing day today ! 

Chilly🌶️: Good evening friends ! How do you do ? You know , today's delicacy will cheer up the moment to a great extent. 

Pepper🧂: Yeah ! I know , the proportion of me has to trigger the sensitivity of the taste buds of the appetite. Maybe , I'm black , but my presence augments to a remarkable taste in all the delicacies.
Salt🧂: Well ! dear pepper , everyone feels the same here. With each spice , the compliment emboldens the spirit of the cook. But without me , even if all three of you are added , the recipe remains incomplete. I'm the soul soother after all.
Onion🧅: You know guys ! where lies the problem ? You all feel the strength of your presence in any food independently. But you never ponder  over the fact that all of us are a team here , and  together makes everyone's proportion in the food gives a great flavour and  a great taste altogether. With some diligence, put it inside your head.  I too can imagine that , with my purple colour , I feel , the consumers are attracted more towards me than you all. I can leave an appeal you see. Moreover , I feel my feminine factor reaps more customers to this restaurant. After all , an appeal and elegance matters most. My contribution through my presence in the taste enhances the aroma of all the delicacies. Without me , cooking is definitely incomplete. And me as a spice generates a sharp, strong taste. And moreover , I'm rich in vitamins , potassium and folate. 

Chilly🌶️ :You are very clever . Hmm ? You think , I'm so innocent that , I won't understand what you mean ? Much tactfully , you scaled high and explained your beauty and perfection here. Now , just tell me , if any food is cooked and there is no chilli , how will that food be spicy ? For children it's understood . They can't digest me. But for adults , spice is a must. And who told you that Im not beautiful. In green or in red appearance , I'm seductive at times. When lovers are entagled in any temporary misunderstandings , often they are impulsive to give a long bite of me and later repent over my sharpness. And I too have rich amount of Vitamin C and I prevent blood blockages in the arteries. I also help in preventing cancers and stomach ulcers. And no one can deny my physical appeal right ?
( The table is a right seater , and eight people in one family complement the waiter for an excellent meal with the perfect application of all the necessary spices ) 

Salt 🧂: Hurray ! See the waiter received the compliment for the proportion of all of us together , added to the taste and you both were painting your beauty in your own canvas. You both are fools to think that , individually to make an impact over the delicacy. It advocated all of our union. And that made the meal so supreme in taste. Feel happy and blessed for our togetherness. Realise the fact , that independently we have our strengths and weaknesses. But all together , we make the delicacies more powerful and impactful. So fools ! you both better trigger your conscience and wake up. It's time for us to again breathe in the kitchen and present ourselves for the next cuisine. And feel proud of the fact that we make the world for the consumers.

Insta id : mitradomdatta🇮🇳

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