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Unbolt the vision over a reality , 
That skin complexion must not segregate ; 
The beautiful souls into a cage of discrimination and hostility. 
Life is meant to be an integrated paradise , 
Where amalgamation of knowledge and perspectives unite.
If one 's quality is worshipped in a treasure , 
Then why trigger attack? To tear the blisters in a divine soul , 
Let's be compassionate and traverse.
Skin complexion cannot determine beauty of a soul , 
Fairness cannot fix the faith in any relationship goals.
A golden heart is all that matters most , 
A glorious smile can generate passion when evoked.

Complexion becomes a complexity
When it is viewed as insult
Why using it to measure ones perspectives and knowledge
Why degrading someone's ability because of his race or complexion
Someone's ability doesn't need someone's voice, 
Race is just a word, humanity is who we are 
Complexion is just our view caring is our priority
Why segregate had embracing failed
Why abusing had tolerance failed
Why hate had love failed

As " THE BLACK PEARL " invaded guinness book of world records , 
The Nobel laureates outshone in economics and Literature. 
Discrimination could not segregate talents , 
Disgust , hatred , malice , hostility , non - acceptance couldn't turn the merit aside.
Love for humanity raised millions of Nightingles , 
Destitutes and crippled still long for a care of Mother Teresa in a chase.
Reservations in public places ,
For a racial discrimination is defunct.
In science , technology, literature and sports , 
Talents are endorsed for   quality and determination goals.
Beauty lies in ones soul so is hate
Bygones won't be bygones unless you want them to be
Again skin complexion doesn't determine beauty of a soul
Together as one humanity will conquer the agony
Race needs embrace
Complexion needs tolerance
Don't let your ego be the enemy
Don't let race be the reason we fail to unveil the feeling of ecstasy,
Because a glorious smile can generate a passion when evoked
What we need is only a spark.
As Martin Luther King Jr said" I have a dream where my children will not be judged by their colour of their skin but their ability to change the world.

_The Profound one_


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