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Everyone showing grim faces.
Grief written all over
Tears sure not to desert anyone.
The melancholy incident leaving everyone with a lump in the throat.
Wishing it were all a dream.
An eerie chill surrounding the atmosphere.
Wails, becoming the music of the day.

The told became untold
With a cold grim gripping the downed faces
What had visited was the unwelcomed visitor 
As the paranoids became exhausted
The lump couldn't be swallowed
As the undertaker's took the one down 6 meters if I may recall 
The echo's of the weeping keeps dragging me to the memories

To agony we are casted.
Snatching a loved one from us forever.
The wound left is so fresh.
Dubious, if it will ever heal.
They say time heals everything but will this wound be.
If that was a punishment why would the innocent serving it.
What's next ain't prominent.

With a shunted face
Our joy fades , as we say tears may dry but memories will never fade
Hunting us down
Like a daylight robbery you robbed us off our loved one
What is it you crave for
You ain't loyal , just a shy cheater
Who Bragg's around calling himself the future destroyer 
Am tired and ashamed of you dear.

I never knew you could be as such,
Why do you have to take what we are given.
Why does the arrival have to be temporary,why not sempiternal.
Will the rollercoaster of memories keep us breathing.
What agonises me the most is the void left can't be replaced by anyone.
The heart shall forever remain with a vacous space.
A space which will forever be locked.
The echoes will just scare another close one
and lead them a step closer to that taciturn ,frigid place.
A acatalectic nightmarish experience we can't eschew.
Cruelty, brutality, heartless, such is death.


The poet personas speak about the cruelty and harshness of death over any life of the cherished or not cherished. He gives no notice before it hijacks any soul it wishes to take away from the world.

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