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_“By my great power I created the world…and I give it to anyone I choose.”_ – Ps 115:16 (GNB).

One of the richest billionaires on earth is about to have a baby, and he wants to make the baby the most privileged child ever!

Some of the most exclusive hospitals in the world charge as much $30,000 for a childbirth; but this baby is going to be born in _her own hospital_ – built specially for her at a cost of $4.11billion and staffed by some of the world’s top paediatricians, specialists and consultants. 

If you think his gesture is a tad too profligate, then his plans for the baby’s “play area” will leave you gobsmacked!

For where his new daughter will be raised, the billionaire purchased a private island with a land area of 35,000 square kilometres – a size larger than several counties in the world. The island will be exclusively inhibited by gardeners, cooks, cleaners, doctors, attendants, security personal, and 1,600 other employees whose work – directly or indirectly – is to attend to the child. 

And to think this massive real estate is only for the first two years of the child’s life! Which toddler needs land the size of a country just to play?

Well, all that I’ve said thus far is just a graphic illustration of what God did for us in Creation. God is the billionaire father', and we, human beings are the overpampered and overindulged 'baby'. But while you may breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the above tale of crazy, reckless expenditure was just a parable, realise that the actual realty is even more outrageously excessive. 

Most people aren’t aware of just how big our world is. For example, the _Loch Ness_ lake in Scotland is so small that it is practically impossible to see on the globe. Yet this ‘small’ lake is sufficient for every single person on earth to fit inside it 10 times over! 

Now put that scale into consideration when comparing humanity’s size to the Mediterranean Sea which is _500,000_ times bigger; or the Pacific Ocean which is 95 _million_ times bigger. 

And that’s just the Earth. Compared to our star the Sun – our star – the Earth is just a mere dot. Yet the Sun itself is just one out of 400 billion other stars in our _Milky Way,_ which is itself just only one of 125 _billion_ galaxies! 

No wonder atheists find it hard to believe that this mindboggling real estate was created for Man and Man alone.

Nevertheless, the immenseness of our physical Universe is only an indication of the almightiness of God and the infiniteness of His love for us. So, the next time you’re trying to wonder how great God is, or how much He loves you, look up to the Heavens… and worship His majesty.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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