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_“…for thou hast created all things…”_ – Rev 4:11.

Here are 3 facts that may find interesting: we need bacteria in our body to live, there are animals today that are way bigger than dinosaurs, and the largest river on Earth isn’t even on Earth!

The advancement of science in various fields in the recent past has uncovered insights that our forefathers could never have even dreamed of knowing; and has revealed to us just how magnificent and complex God’s creation really is. 

Bacteria, for example, ever since their discovery some 400 years ago, were mostly associated with diseases and infections. But as it turns out, without bacteria our bodies would not be able to function. We have 10 times more bacteria in our body than we have cells: on our skin, in our intestines, in our stomach, etc. And these bacteria help us in our digestion, in provision of essential nutrients, like vitamin K, and – ironically – to fight infection. 

Similarly, despite our fascination with gigantically monstrous dinosaurs that once roamed the Earth, the Blue Whale that’s currently in our oceans dwarf even the most giant of dinosaurs. But will a movie about Blue Whales ever be a box office hit? Not likely.

Lastly, while we spent years arguing about which of the two rivers –Nile or Amazon – was the biggest, it turns out that there are several large bodies of highly concentrated water vapour flowing quietly above in the air around the equator. The largest of these “atmospheric rivers” floats over the Amazon forest, and contains more water than the Amazon River flowing underneath it!

The above examples – taken from microbiology, zoology and geography – are just 3 ways we fail to see the magnificence and grandeur of God’s creation. We only see the negative side of bacteria, fawn over dinosaurs because they’re extinct while ignoring the much larger Blue Whale, and are only just having the equipment to observe Earth’s greatest source of fresh water. 

God is truly greater than we would ever know; nevertheless, we already know enough about His creation to fall on our faces along with the angels, elders and four living creatures in Heaven and worship Him saying, “Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever.” (Rev 7:12).

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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