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The golden crown!
It doesn't care about how many starving shoes you've worn under the blazing sun
or the blood that menstrauated from your eyes suffering to quench your taste 
or how many aeroplanes you've flew with at the sky
Only, if you can survive in the battle field. 

It doesn't know who you Are
or who did you want to Become 
It doesn't care about your father histories
nor mind about your stories. 

It doesn't matter how many stones you have thrown inside the well
But how many waters does the well spring out for you
It doesn't matter how many waters you have spread on the farm
But how many crops does the farm raise for you. 

I have nothing to say but the truth and all lies shall be jettisoned 
She who taught, she can restructure your future 
She can't never know when the water crawl into the coconut 
And she can't never know when a dry-well spring out its river of water. 

So, never loose hope or give up
No body know when the golden crown will be his
Just have the believe 
that one day, your shot will surely hit the target.

(Hab P)

The poet sees the "golden crown" as fulfillment and prosperity. The speaker says prosperity is a fair visitor to any person of its choice. It does not discriminate and can come at any time.

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