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18-08-1444 AH/18-03- 2023CE

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful. Glory be to Allah the Sustainer of the worlds. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the noble Prophet Muhammad _(SAW)_ , hos household, companions and the followers of truth till the day of resurrection. _Amin_ .

Having established that welfarism is the opposite  of poverty and dearth of incentive, it includes everything that is capable of making life more meaningful with signage as feeding, clothing, shelter, education, security and lots more. This, no doubt, is the motto of Islam as a way of life.

The position of the noble Messenger _(SAW)_ regarding this matter precipitate giving to all-encompassing aspects of living; politically, socially and religiously. The Hadith (Shining examples with sayings, deeds and approvals of the noble Messenger _(SAW))_ appears categorical in this direction. He maintains: "This religion of Islam is indeed tender; tread in it gently. Bless those on earth and you shall be blessed by the heaven." The tradition bears on gentility as a pointer of Islam and that avarice, bribery, chaos, corruption, exclusion,  lewdness, oppression, suppression and transgression, wickedness are all alien to Islam in general.

As a way of alleviating poverty, inclusiveness, perfect integration and feeling for others tower Islam with maxim :"Others Before I (O B I)"as against "I Before Others" syndrome which eventually leads to the above listed factors. 

To this extent, five main principles are paramount to welfarism as far as Islam is concerned. These are called 'five main principles of Islamic administration' ( __Maqasidu_ _Shar'iyyah_ ). These include among other things target goals of Islam as a way of life. 

 _(Hifzu-d-Din)__ Standing against idolatry on whatever respect appear a bane for giving preference to other things (spiritual or mundane) other that Allah's approved. Secondly, _(Nafs)_ care for sanctity of soul gives no access to termination of human soul without a just cause (for later discussing). Thirdly, _('Aql)_ care for safe thoughts as ingrained in avoidance of all manners of intoxication as buoyant and potent cause of loss of evergreen consciousness required for constant and regular worship (horizontally and vertically as well) as connecting human-human an human - Allah relationship.) Semi-finally, _(Nasl)_ the care for safe lineage ensures no mixture in the lines of procreation as it is inherited through adultery and fornication _(Zina)_ . The last but not the least is fervent care for property and wealth _(Maal)_ which bears on corruption as the main cause of economic dislocations.

To a large extent, some indices causing acute poverty in the society could be attributed to un- friendliness of the wealthy members, bending on bribery and corruption, reducing the weight or suppressing the rights of others for personal gain, oppression by the leaders, devouring the properties of orphans and less privileged and of course, denying others their due  rights.

To balance the argument, it is not that the leaders are only culprits in this matter. The noble Messenger was reported as saying: 'Jusy as you are leaders are appointed on you'. This brings about complimentary nature of the social ill under discussion. 'Like leaders like follwers' says the maxim. This portends that while leaders discharge expected duties followers must also reciprocate their gestures by being alive to responsibilities.

The pang of poverty as it is currently evident in the society include lack of basic amenities like cash, food items and shelter. Islam postulates feeding of hungry, ransom of slaves or those in bondage, clothing the poor with priority placed on feeding  poor people in situation of atonement for fake promise made (Laghwu (Qur'an 5:89)); feeding of sixty poor people on the instance of _(Muzaaharah)_ i.e emplacing a wife as a mother; and redeeming a vow made but going back to do such thing attracts feeding of ten poor people.

Other areas where Islam proffers feeding as solution include man-slaughter i.e killing arising from mistake and un-intentinally. The Qur'an maintains that rather than paying blood money, feeding of poor people surfices. In a similar vein, death occuring as a result of mistake made by medical expert attracts payment of blood money to the public treasury.

However, _Ijtihaad_ from scholars as Ahmad prefer feeding of poor in this instance (Tibbi n Nabawiy p122).

Above all, the current political imbroglio calling for attention as an aspect of welfare is equally important in this segment. Lagos as a Yorubaland plays host to over 315 ethnic nationalities in Nigeria coupled with foreigners. The infiltration by Igbos as shown during the 2023 Presidential election appears speaking volumes comparatively. Allowing Igbos to take Lagos signals zionist agenda number 3 or 4. Higher discrimination, control of commerce, wagging war as shown during October, 2020 #ENDSARS# where Lagos counted severe loss and no single Igbo business was tampered with, and eventual out-numbering voting of Igbo candidates in Lagos.

This paints a picture of  a big bird (Akalamagbo) and a hunter at game. The hunter sighted the bird from distance. Knowing the looming danger from the hunter, it flew away to distant place where it was relaxed and covered its head with feather. The hunter skillfully traced the location. On sighting the bird, he changed the direction to its location! Fellow readers, it behoves right-thinking that the bird should wake from slumber and take steps to next flight if only it does not want to fall prey to the hunter.

Summarily, the highest goal of welfarism is to take right step in the proper direction even after seeking counsel grom quarters. A wise decision at this moment of the political development in Lagos by all stakeholders is only the saving grace to savage Lagos with our votes from the alien infiltrator.
Till we meet next week, remain blessed.
Ma'as salaamah.

- Nigeria 

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