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Another means of blessing others from one's riches is Waqf. It is an extension of of will with a difference in terms of possible benefitiaries as inheritors and or others. It is a provision in Islam just like hibbah (gift), mirath (inheritance) and luqtah (found treasure).

Allah (SWT) in Qur'an 2:180 says: Prescribed on you when death approaches that you perfect benefitting documents on properties in favour of parents and relatives to give succor and as indicative of piety. " 

In the same vein, the noble Messenger (SAW) buttressed this when saying: "It is a right due on every Muslim having properties for others or for him with others not to pass two to three nights unless the documents proving the item to the original owner is perfected thereto."
It is in line with this that waqf becomes instrumental to benefit people out of one's belongings.

Waqf can be categorized into two namely: specific and general. Specific waqf can benefit inheritors and other relatives while general waqf can be place at the advantage of distant and non related persons.

For instance, a wealthy member of the family may have opportunity of rehabilitating family home to the benefit of all in the family. Laying vlaim to ownership is open to everyone in the family. General waqf can benefit others in terms of sponsoring on hajj based on slot. Examples abound in the human circle.

Whether or not waqf (trust fund) is zakatable, it was deductively passed by Sheikh Ibn Bazz (Rahimahu Llah) whaen fielding questions on such topic as it occured in one Onstitution of Higher Learning that: "Such fund and similar contributed money is not open to zakat for reasons that not only the money was gathered from individuals but also no single person can claim ownership of the trust fund" (Jam'u Muhammad al Musnad, p 45). 

Implications of waqf to contemporary society like Nigeria and the likes include cushioning the effects of harsh economy on the Muslims in particular and citizenry in general. Waqf can be organized as a means of employment. Guest House can be constructed to give succor and safety to way-farers. Scholarship award can be organized to create army of tesselation scholars. Hostel can be built to give students comfort during study. Public utility like networking road and electrical transformer could be provided to make life more meaningful. Group wedding can be organized to safe youth from veneral diseases and the pang of adultery and fornication. Orphanage Home can be provided to facilitate adoption of children where necessary. Old People's Home can be organized to put smile in the aged people's mouth and for more care. Hospital and health centers can be provided to rid the society of ailments thereby more productivity. Muslim cemetery can be organized to safe the society of water-borne diseases arising from burying relatives in the neighborhood. The list is endless but fact remains that a journey of a thousand kilometers starts somewhere and with aright step taken in the right proportion.

The onus is on individuals, religious/humanitarian bodies, corporate bodies, amalgamated and allied fellows and relative Government to come in aid to commit fund from wind-fall to ameliorating several hindrances against human positive development.

May Allay return the Muslims to the basis of their religion in good fate.

Amin thumma Amin. Ma'as Salaamah.

20-06-1444AH/13-01- 2023
- Nigeria

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