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As salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful. 

The theory of Ascension of the holy Messenger (SAW) attracts mouth-washing comments and counter-comments. Views abound regarding its occurence physically or in spirit. The inference shows the reality of its occurence and its subject to the power of Allah _(SWT)_ that does not spare anything.

Before long, the background causes provide excellent substance for the fledging mission to have such experience for rather consolidation. Premised on the fact that  each Messenger of Allah passed though certain induction and initiation into the task ahead even though the different colours in approach and method, that of the holy Messenger though _Isra'u_ and _Mi'raj_ came just in the middle of his mission falls in the same direction (Say: 'I am not an innovation among the Messengers... '(Q46:9)).

Controversy once ensued between earthen land and heaven regarding preferencial honour. " _Thy_ _holier-than-thou_ ' game!. At first, land laid claim to housing ocean, sea, arable land, plantation, mountain; against the claim of heaven to sun, moon, stars, planets, astrological streams, thrown, paradise and so on. Secondly, land posited further on its claim to housing a building to which the Prophets, Messengers, Sages and Muslims visit and circummambulate _(Tawaf)_ . The heaven stressed its housing the first-ever building on land but moved to heaven due to _Tufan_ (flood).

 Thirdly, the land claimed priority to having Leader of Messengers, Seal of Prophets, Beloved of the Lord of the world's not only residing but also practicing his Shari'ah on land. Ha! the heaven was dump-founded at this claim of the land. Praying to Allah 'Who answers the distressed when he requested', then 'raise unto me that 'Muhammad'. Answering the plea and Angel Jibril was asked to take a ' _Buraq_ ' camel from _Jannah_ to convey the holy Messenger on Ascension.

Apart from this theory, the holy Messenger was made to inherit the legacy of earlier Prophets and Messengers against the Jewish jealously arrogating prophet-hood to Jews alone. He was to complete the curriculum of knowing more than ordinary being through visit to the third Masjid in Jerusalem. Isra'u also confirm the technicality of _Hidayah_ (guidance) unto the _Dinu_fitrah_ (Divine religion) which is not only unique in nature but also tailored towards same focus of healthy worship.
Not only that, some narrative lay claim to Isra'u as subtle pacifying means to the Messenger of the vicissitude of life experienced close to the Ascension (12th year of mission) part of which include death of Sayyidat Khadijah (his bossom wife), his Uncle Abu Talib and the tribulation he suffered in Ta'if. This was to reveal to him some hidden spirit and to get assurance that his message would not only envelop the greater part of the land but also that people of those nativity would soon propagate the religion beyond necessary imagination. 

Qur'anic Surah 17:1 is desctrictly explanatory on the Ascension of the holy Messenger. It says: "Glory be to the One Who took His Servant on Ascension from the holy Sanctuary in Makkah through Masjid al Aqsa (in Jerusalem) of blessed environ for him to be shown parts of Our signs, surely Allah is oft-Hearing and Seeing".
To this end, special exchange of greeting was evident from Ascension as it reflects in _At-Tahiyyah_ _(Tashahhud)_ . Also to confirm the generativeness of revelation (Silsilatu n Nubuwwah), he was made to bond well with several Prophets and Messengers across fermaments. Salat (ritual and physical worship) was ordained from the Ascension.
The Bukhari Hadith volume 6/436, Muslim 7/64-65 record: "The Messenger _(SAW)_ said: 'My example in comparison with other Prophets is like a man who perfect a building with decoration but leaving a place of block in one of the angles of the building whereby people who move round complain for which purpose is the gap. Then I am the the piece of block filling the gap and I am the Seal of the Prophets.

Above all, it is important to stay focused at all time in spite of whatever obstacles from family, friends and others.
May Allah give us the blessing of Laelatul Isra'i as we supplicate to Allah for peace, harmony and sustainable development in Nigeria.
Stay safe and Ma'as Salaamah.
- Nigeria

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