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 بس اللهالرحمانالرحيم
Today's Khutbah opens a fresh chapter running across four weeks and snow balling into the month of Ramadan. It aims at concerning listeners  and readers as well mainly on the onerous task of Ramadan which include  but not limited to ultimate concern for others in all ramifications. As an addendum, however, roles of Muslims during the election which comes up in the less than twenty-four hours form now would be featured.

Before long, the topic at hand is better captioned as :"كيف عالج الاسلام الفقر" meaning: 'How does Islam Solve Poverty Problem'. This edition would run through historical perspective of Islam's mantra in the then Arabia peninsula which provided a special basis for Prophet Muhammad's timely intervention.

Meanwhile, the glorious Qur'an 59:7 says: 
"What Allah (SWT) has bestowed on His Messenger (and taken away) from the people of the townships - belongs to Allah - to His Messenger and to kindred and orphans, the needy and the wayfarer; in order that it may not (merely) make a circuit between the wealthy among you. So take what  the Messenger gives you, and refrain from what he prohibits you. And fear Allah; for Allah is strict in punishment." 

Exegetical analysis placed on record germane riders to plausible arguments regarding the main purpose of Prophet Muhammad _(SAW)'s_ mission as rooted in providing succor to the suffering and precarious situation of the teaming population of Arabian polity. To this end, among the 6,666 Ayats (verses of the glorious Qur'an the following data become sacrosanct to the above assertion; Ayats on Siyam (fasting) stand at only four, Hajj a little above ten, _Ayat_ on _Salat_ (Ritual prayer) less that thirty, but _Ayat_ on _Zakat_ (Compulsory alm- giving) stand above fifty. In the assertion the Exegists, it buttress the Prophetic tradition which says: "I am commissioned to complete the most virtuous ethics." Best of all goodness is a time  gift that sustains hunger, deprivation and low survival. The mission of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was purported to transform Arabian environment to b either bearable abodes like Iraq and Egypt. As such, his mean background provided him avenue to testify to Allah's overriding power of transformations just as his being unlettered bears on attainable potential.

Arabian situation offered a similitude of Nigerian's current socio-economic hardship with taints of scale and measurements  reduction, gross posture for usury consumption, lack of empathy for the poor by the rich, possible deprivation of the poor by the rich and feeding on the plights of the poor  among others. With impunity, the lost of exploitation appears endless. But Islam provided remedies for the endemic and ruthless  problems.

Hence, it bridged the gap between the rich and poor by not only recommending ransom of the enslaved Muslim to regain freedom but also stipulating certain amount of wealth to be deducted as tax and given to the poor without which the rich is yet to attract felicity. It is by taking to measures of _Zakat_ in its conditions attached to it that the society appears safe from mystery of poverty.

Above all, begging on the street is reduced to bearest minimum, spate of hunger de-mystified in homes and ill-equiped workers are ultimately oblivion.

On the other hand, Allah (SWT) maintains in Qur'an 3:110: "Surely you are the best community ever evolved for; you enjoin goodness, forbid evil and believe in Allah; should the People of the Book believe (like you) it would have been better, part of them do believe but some are utter obliterators." 

To this end, Muslims are advised to go out to vote credibly, cause no rancor, conduct themselves in a civilized manner before, during and after the election on Saturday.
May Allah (SWT) give the nation wherewithal to do the necessary things to ensure credible leaders in positions of authority. Amin.

We shall continue pn the topic next Friday, In Sha'a Allah. Till then, stay safe and remain blessed.


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