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Inna lillahi wa inna ilae raaji’un, "from Allah we come and to Him we shall return."

I hereby sympathize with the family, friends and colleagues of late Comrade Lawal Toyeeb p.k.a Osuolale, the newly elected president of Language Arts and Social Science Education Students Association (LASSESA) who kicked the bucket on Saturday, March 4, 2023, after a brief illness.

Death is no doubt a debt owed by all mortals, but as believers we take solace in the fact that late Comrade Lawal Toyeeb p.k.a Osuolale was indeed a great friend, great leader and agent of positive transformation.

Comrade Lawal Toyeeb p.k.a Osuolale was a selfless, accommodating and always ready to assist the course of the youths. He was an icon and a great role model to us.
Late Comrade Lawal Toyeeb p.k.a Osuolale was and will always remain a solid pillar of support to the growth and development of Lagos State University students in general.

We will never forget late Comrade Lawal Toyeeb Osuolale.

While we beseech Allah (the Most Exalted) to forgive his shortcomings and admit him into Aljannat Firdaus, we ask Allah to give us as well as his family the strength to bear this loss. Amin.

With this, I leave with us a piece of advice to hold on tight to:

If a rare gem, leader and youth like Osuolale who I'm sure may have never imagined that death would knock on his door probably because just like any naive youth would say *"I'm still too young to die, I'm not sick, I have dreams and I'm not yet 30, so I can't die now."* Likewise, Osuolale or any other young guy or lady who kicked the bucket today may have tought the same right, still God took them away. 

Why? not because they have offended him or that their own sins are more weighty than ours BUT because everyone has its own time when they would breath their last and because destiny is something only God can decide.

Dear youths, I want you to understand that you are not too young, too beautiful, too old or too influential to die! It doesn't matter if you are below or above 30 dear, it doesn't matter if you are the President of a school, Comrade, a celebrity or the daughter of an influential personality, EVERYONE SHALL TASTE DEATH and by the time, death knocks on our door, it may be too late to correct all your wrongs dear and nobody except you will be able to feel, experience or hear whatever you are going through dear. Why? It is because, you are dead!

I want you to know that death cam know on your door anytime, it doesn't need your permission to come in and when it knocks, you cannot forbid it from entering dear. 

Undoubtedly, you don't have power over your death but you have power over your life now and only you can decide what kind of death you wanna die and what you want the world to remember you for after you are gone. 

Do you wanna be such a lady or guy whom after you are dead will be remembered for evil, shameful or immoral acts. Do you!
Do you wanna be such a person whom after you are gone, all people will say is "that guy was a YAHOO BOY, that guy was a drug addict, that guy has raped many girls, that guy died after his yahoo concoction finished and do you wanna be such a guy who after you are dead, people will say, he doesn't know anything aside night partying, clubbing, sleeping around with girls or lavishing illegally made money." Subhanallah! 

Do you as a lady want to be such a lady who after you are gone, people especially your enemies who pretended to be your friends will say "that girl was bound to die, after all she lived a wasteful life." Do you want to be such a girl who after you are dead, people will say, that girl had multiple boyfriends, she's always sleeping around with guys, she's a bitch, she's always indecently dressed, that girl lived her life on the illegal money of yahoo boys" or do you wanna be such a lady who people will say, "she was used for money ritual by her yahoo boyfriend and do you want to be such a lady who after you are gone, the only thing people will have to say about are negative things and mothers will spit each time someone utters your name. DO YOU?"

I leave you to answer that question dear.

But as for those of you who will not want such a death, then stop wasting your life and time on rubbish, stop wasting your life and time on guys, ladies, night clubs, parties or illicit sexual affairs and please ladies stop selling your dignity to SHAMELESS MEN AND GUYS ALL IN THE NAME OF MONEY. 

Start building for yourself that legacy which you wanna leave after you have gone and start becoming an agent of positive transformation not a bandwagon.

Well, I don't know about you but as for me, dying isn't what scares me BUT dying without having to impact positively into the lives of other people, dying without leaving a mark that will not only inspire millions of lives but will drive youths to the peak of their own success is my biggest fear. Which is why bi'idhnillah for as long as Allah continues to guide my steps, I would in turn channel youths as well as humans in general to the right path.

( Sakeenah'writes)

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