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_Elijah was a person just like us. He prayed that it would not rain. And it did not rain on the land for three and a half years!_ – Jas 5:17 (ERV)

It’d be understandable if you’re offended by Apostle James’ assertion that there’s no difference between Elijah and you. This super prophet held an entire nation hostage because of his prayers. He singlehandedly staged a face-off between he and eight hundred and fifty Baal and Asherah prophets; and brought down fire from heaven to burn up a sacrifice soaked up in gallons of water.  Speaking of Fire and the calling down from Heaven thereof, this man once incinerated two bands of armed soldiers because he was _scared!_ 

He outruns racing horses, was the first to ever raise a dead body to life, and sustained himself and a family for years on a single meal! If Elijah’s life was made into a movie, it’d be called an _action-packed superhero blockbuster!_

So, Apostle James is definitely stretching things beyond reality to claim that Elijah was, _“A person just like us”,_ isn’t he?

But wait! Let’s read the verse to the end: _“…and he prayed EARNESTLY that it would not rain…”_

Therein lies the distinguishing factor: Elijah was a man who put his all into his prayers. Prayer to him was serious business and demanded his all. He’s the archetypal picture of PUSH: Pray Until Something Happens!

This man would probably cause a stir in some prayer meetings today. 1Ki 18:42 tells us that when he wanted to pray for rain, he _“cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees!”_ 

This prophet-turned-contortionist posture was expressive of his earnestness, vehement desire and continued importunity in prayer. And the result of his unorthodox (no pun intended) prayer style is evident in the above-normal, un-usual and supernatural life he lived.

Beloved, put some passion into your prayers. Let Heaven, Hell (and a few neighbours?) know that somebody locked up in one closet means serious business.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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