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Warriors will fail in battle
Eater will loose their appetite 
Chatter box will think it a burden to chat,
As the followers becoming leaders

The young will mature 
Haters experiencing fruit of love
An open secret be openly unravel
And words will failed the orator 

Charm will becomes impotent
The Mighty shall become Prey 
Beggar becoming giver 
Transitions existing per Time 

The poor will be made prosperous
Your acquaintances
became your sworn enemy 
Finger you feed might bite you 
Those you fed might feed you 

Justice prevailing,
shame replacing the order of impunity
As the aged passes away peacefully 
The bitter Truth, sweet as honey 

Someday will be that day
The sexual addict lecturer was caught in the act
The mist of black shadow hovering the atmosphere 
will be made more clearer than ever

That Someday is Coming!


The piece gives hope to appropriation of justice, economic balance and several other thirst of human life.

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