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3 days after death, the nails trade to collapse.
4 days after death. The hair is detached from the skull.
5 days after death, the brain begins to collapse and then the insects enjoy it.
6 days after death, the skin begins to blacken and gradually detaches from the bones.
7 days after death, the belly melts and releases a strong odor starting from the mouth and the genital organ attracting the marauders.
60 days after death, the whole human body is reduced to nothing but remaining only the bones....

-) My dear sisters and brothers in Islam :

No matter how beautiful your face is, you will still be the food of worms when you are buried. Set aside your arrogance & remember your grave.

May Allah ( Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala ) grants Us All the true understanding Ameen, 
-) Allah Subhanahu WaTa’ala says :  
'And remind for indeed Reminder benefits the believers' (Qur'aan 51:55).
-) My dear sisters and brothers in Islam : 

"You must value those who advice you and call you towards goodness, they are the ones pushing you towards Jannah.

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