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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful.
Another important aspect of Islam is yat around the corner. This time around, it is Ramadan fast the fourth pillar of Islam. 

Fasting in Islam is Sawm. It is proper abstinence from most capable things that could cause the fast to spoil. These include eating, drinking and all that can penetrate through bodily sense organs as tentacles to the mind. Sawm as a concept encompasses various forms.of Ibaadah in one concept including Iman, Salat, Zakat and mini hajj in terms of I'tikaf (basically meant to restitute and retreat once a year). It is to be undertaken by each Muslim of sound health, provision-solid and not on a stressful journey that warrants staying off the Sawm.

The Glorious Qur'an 2:183-186 is categorical on the provision of Sawm. "Fasting is prescribed for you just as it was done to those before you for you to be pious. Countable number of days and whoever is ill or on a journey, should leave fasting and count the day for fasting (in replacement) after fasting. The month of Ramadan is the one in which the holy Qur'an waa revealed as a guidance and clear evidence and criterion, whoever is ill or on the journey should leave fasting and repay same afterward, for Allah loves for you all ease and does not want for you difficulty, and for you to make up the fast and to glorify Allah's name on the guidance and for you to be grateful. And whenever a servant (of Allah) asks you concerning Me (Allah), (tell him) I am nearer and answer prayer of a prayerful when he asks Me, therefore be responsive and belief in Me for you to be grateful." 

Nonetheless, those exempted from fasting include menstruating woman, birth bleeding woman, pregnant who fears harm on the foetus, nursing mother in fear of shortage of milk, a weak and a sick who soon expects healing are all to repay the fast. These are in addition to a hard labourer and high task worker as fire fighter and divers in a bid to secure live. 

The noble Messenger maintains that: 'Whoever fast Ramadan with all criteria attached to it is assured of total purification from sins committed.' As a benefit a Muslim stands to gain, it is the fast done with sincerity and genuine sense of humanity for others that is best rewarding. 

However, a fasting Muslim must concern himself with somethings as a matter of priority. Salat at appropriate time, recitation of holy Qur'an and ruminating on its meaning. This informs.the idea of attending lectures and prayer sessions. Others include doing away with various manners of indecency as mentioned in the subsequent part of Qur'an 16:90 which is often read at the end of weekly Jum'at service.

In essence, fasting as a purifier takes charge of most humanly possible filth and any fast that fails to satisfy this condition falls short of expectations. In conclusion, the noble Messenger was reported ly saying: 'Whoaoever fasts but leaves not false witness and behaving same has no portion with Allah for his act of staying off food and drinks.'

May Allah make it easy to take fast with its precautions.

Till we meet next week, Ramadan Kareem.

02-09-1444 AH/ 24-03-2023 CE.

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