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A day without hardship, vanity,
What a world it would be!
No worries, no cares, no pain,
Only joy and peace would reign.

No struggles to overcome,
No hurdles to jump or run,
No battles to fight or win,
No losses to grieve within.

No mirrors to reflect our flaws,
No standards to meet or cause,
No need to impress or please,
No ego to feed or appease.

But wait, is this truly living,
Without the challenges and striving?
Perhaps, for a day or two,
But forever, it would become dull and blue.

For it is through hardships we grow,
And through vanity, we learn to let go,
We need them to shape our souls,
And make us stronger, kinder, and whole.

So, let us embrace our struggles and pride,
With grace and humility, side by side,
For they are the gifts that make us shine,
And lead us to a life truly divine.

- Nigeria

The poet persona imagines a relaxed time in the future, where problems will be less and returns of hardwork shall be enjoyed by everyone. He concludes that his readers should embrace positive hardwork.

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