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_“In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;”_ – Eph 1:7

It’s ironic, though not surprising, that you are likely going to find the downplaying of the forgiveness of sins more with mature Christians than with spiritually young ones; and more with Believers (who are currently enjoying it), than with sinners (who clearly need it). 

It has always been that way. Speaking of the sinful woman who wept and washed His feet with expensive perfume, our Lord said, _“All her sins are forgiven, and that is why she has shown great love. But anyone who has been forgiven for only a little will show only a little love;”_ (Lk 7:47 CEV).

We are _all_ sinners in the sense of falling short of God’s perfect standards, (Rom 3:23), nevertheless the “sins” we each need forgiveness for vary; and with that variance comes the appreciation for the accompanying forgiveness.

In the “parable of the two debtors” – which Jesus told the pharisees who were questioning His acceptance of the sinful woman’s feet washing – our Lord explained that those who are forgiven much would love much. 

But understand that the gravity of the sin is subjective. The pharisees weren’t any less sinful than the woman crying at Jesus’ feet; they were only less aware of their need for forgiveness!

This is a trap mature and growing Believers must avoid. There’re no ‘levels’ of sin when it comes to Hell; so, the forgiveness that God unconditionally gives you for that supposedly ‘venial’ or _minor_ sin, is just as heavy as the one that God gives to a rank, out-and-out sinner. 

That is why we must never take God’s forgiveness for granted, or scoff at those who need it. Because we _all_ need it; it’s only that some of us are more aware and sensitive of the need than others. 

So, if you are a Believer – if your righteousness is based on the finished work of Christ and not on your own holiness, if your qualification for Heaven is not based on your perfection but on God’s mercy because of the Blood of Christ – then take a moment to thank Him for that forgiveness!

Forgiveness is not a right, it is a gift – a gift that came aga great price!
So, thank God for it today. Thank God for it every day.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

- Nigeria

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