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Everyone can be successful, we can be successful, I can be successful and YOU can be successful but to achieve that success you desire then you need to STOP WISHING AND START ACTING AND MOST IMPORTANTLY YOU NEED TO STOP GIVING YOU EXCUSES because excuses are the barriers to your success in life. Below are 5 most common excuses stopping you from becoming successful:

If you REALLY want to do something, money won’t stop you!

When I decided to start my writing career and I shared some of the goals I wanna achieve by being a writer, a lot of people told me that without money, I can't achieve anything and that I have to source for money in order to start something.

I knew if I really want to attract people to what I do, I need a catchy logo for my writing brand and probably a graphic designer who would help me design my contents which obviously demands that I pay for their services. Being a secondary school graduate who was still 100% financially dependent on my parents, I was as good as broke so obviously hiring a graphic designer or whatever was out of it.

Still, I didn't allow the fact that I had no money discourage me from pushing through with my career. I said to myself, graphic designers are humans right and so am I. So, if they can design those stuffs, why can't I do it, after all, we have the same ONE HEAD. 

I told myself that even if it's for me to just learn the basics of Graphic designing so that I can hone my skill by designing my own contents. I was determined and I can proudly say it anywhere that I am the one that designs ALL THE CONTENTS THAT HAS MY WRITE UPS which many today think I hired a graphic designer to do.

So, in life money is important but money is not everything and it doesn't guarantee your success in life. All you need is purpose, determination, consistency and commitment to attain success in life and the money as well as other things will follow.

Infact, if everyone had money, who then will strive for success. It is the fact that we need that money that compels us to strive for success.

The fact is that nobody truly has all the time in the world but we just have to create time for the things that matter in our lives and that's where priority, goal setting and time management comes in.

Being a student, combining school with my career ESPECIALLY writing coupled with the unending house chores a lady has to prioritize has never been easy but because I know that aside my uncompromising passion for writing, I have a purpose to fulfill by being a writer which makes writing one of my priorities, I dedicate more than 50% of my leisure time to it.

When I just started, I didn't know how to plan my time and most times I tend to spend the time meant for other activities writing which I knew was wrong but along the line I realized that TIME IS NEVER ENOUGH and planning my activities as well as learning how to manage my time was all I needed.

So, if you really want to achieve success in anything you do, then you have know how to plan your time, learn how to multitask and dedicate more time to that thing that matters more to you without allowing it affect your other primary responsibilities. Stop making excuses about time not being enough because it doesn't wait for anyone and it will never be enough!

I hate to shatter your illusion but there’s no such thing as ‘the perfect idea’. Ideas don’t come to us fully-formed and ready to go. They’re like diamonds in the rough, needing to be hacked out, shaped and polished and it's also a process.

I know everyone would want to be the master mind behind a big and almost perfect business idea but “Don’t get caught up in waiting for the most amazing business idea in the world to come along. If you have a gut feeling or an idea, just go for it and tell as many people as possible what you’re doing. Often the real idea will come out of your original one in the process of trying to make it work.”

So if you’re spending (wasting) valuable time waiting for the perfect idea to drop into your lap, stop it now! Pick a fairly good idea and start running with that. Do the groundwork and test it out. If it’s a goer, fantastic. If it needs work, then do it. And if it’s a dud, abandon it and pick another one until you find a gem.

If you don’t, someone else may come up with one of your ‘not-quite-perfect’ ideas too and start running with it themselves. Imagine how frustrating it will be to watch someone steal the same idea you thought was not perfect and then they make it perfect while you’re still waiting! Please stop wasting time, stop procrastinating and start building your bright future from those unique ideas you have now because time waits for NOBODY!

Of course you don’t have the right skills or experience yet and you won’t get them until you start! No one who's experienced in their career or industry, has a wide rota of freelance clients, knows how to attract thousands of blog readers or understands how to start and run a business until they actually do it.

Every successful entrepreneur be it a writer, graphic designer, fashion designer, Public Speaker, whatever, started out in the beginning with no experience of running their own company. They only gained it by trying, failing, evaluating and trying again.

And that’s exactly what you need to do if you want to be successful. If you just sit around waiting until you feel you have the right skills, you’ll never start. If you sign up to endless online courses and workshops hoping one will somehow infuse you with confidence and experience, you’ll never start. The only way to start is to try even if you feel you know nothing and everything will fall in place.

Really? Everyone? Didn't you find any other excuse? Are these conclusions based on fact? Or just the opinion of people who think they know you, but know nothing about what you want to do?

If you have presented your goal to someone, maybe a friend or family who knows their stuff and they’ve written it off, it's fine but that's what they think and you shouldn't let that put you off. Find out why they think it won’t work, and find ways around it.

But if you’ve been put off by your mum, who says you never follow anything through, your best friend, who secretly doesn’t want you to embark on a venture that may take you away from her, or your colleagues, who don’t want to lose you, then reconsider.

Often we allow the people we know to place limitations on our potential by complying with their opinion of us. And that opinion is frequently flawed, and sometimes selfish.

So, if you want to achieve success in life then you should be ready to be criticized, just filter the meaningful ones out of their Criticisms and throw the rest in the waste bin BUT do not allow their opinion stop you from pursuing your goals in life because if there's anyone who truly wants you to be successful in life then it's YOU not your friends or colleagues who are striving hard to always be above you in everything.

- Nigeria

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