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In the first 10 chapters of the book of Numbers, the words we most often see repeated are
_“And the LORD spoke unto Moses”_ and _“the children of Israel did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so did they.”_

Moses was chosen to lead the people, so whenever he needed to talks with the Lord, _“Moses was gone into the tabernacle of meeting to speak with him…”_ (Num 7:89). When the people came to him with problem, Moses would answer, _“Stand still, and I will hear what the LORD will command concerning you,”_ (Num 9:8). 

Can you imagine what our families would be like if every leader of the home, every father were as sensitive to God’s voice and so sincere in obeying what he says? Wouldn’t it be great if all our children would do just as the Lord says?

I remember what Dr. Benjamin Spock put out his famous book on child training in the United States. At that time, his book was the “Bible” that mothers used to rear their children. He was a talented paediatrician and had lots of good things to say about child development. However, he didn’t really think that children should be disciplined. Those kids who were raised according to Dr. Spock’s advice became the generation of the “Hippies”.

Years later, he put out a new edition of his book, affirming that children need limits for their own safety and protection.

Dr Spock could write a new book, but those mothers can’t start all over again with their children. That’s why it is important for us to put our confidence in what God says. His word is very old but never out-of-date.

- Nigeria 

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