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He was betten.
Bullied, taunted and
cursed so that you can be saved.
So that you can enter in the holy of the holyes .
He went through pain.

Pain for whom?.
For me and you
For us, for all of us.
All the strips on his body, just for u to be saved.
Just for you to be able to be called the child of God.
Just for you to become the highly fevered.
He died for you and me.

Beaten, taunted and went through death.
That's how mighty He is.
He left his throne in heaven just to come and die for you and me.
He left his throne on the right hand of God just for me and you.
He is mighty.

At Calvary He cried.
At Calvary hunged .
At Calvary there was a pool of blood.
While consoling us not to cry as we had become sin free.
By His strips we were saved.
He is mighty and holy...
Praise be His name.
The one who was crucified
on the cross. 


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The poet persona appreciates The Almighty God for sending His beloveth son to die for the world. He wishes his readers an happy Easter.

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