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The ultimate passion for finite beauty 
Has cloned truth through rain and storm
And facts, in depth of shadow. 
The National Cake,
Measured twice, cut once, 
With impressive verbal forensic tales, 
Little world-ending snipers of political gun. 
That steers and snares
Around the bodies of turbulence. 

Politicks is a battle field
For blood sucking creatures, 
Often social parasites
That moulds the cake with creamy lies. 
And baked by the Legislathieves, 
Men in purple robes and high political sandals. 
The land is thirsty, 
But the government is an endless ocean. 

The Executhieves, 
Are razors that sharpens the axe
To cutting the National Cake. 
As a general phenomenon, 
The cake can suppress young passions
And dispel unriped knives. 

Nailbiting is the only beginning of Lunch
For heavy men sleeping in the dark room, 
And sightless masses biting a piece 
Of the broken cake shared by the Judisharing;
Delicate delegation deciding detrimental decision, 
Waiting to pick a random piece to die on. 

A share of dirty diapers, 
Filled with delicious and clever lies, 
With subtle manipulation of things unseen. 
Unfounded promises of heavy rhythm 
And stuttering stories of homeless pen, 
In perpetual alliance with digital rains, 
And accessories reflecting gypsy traditions 
Of the three horsemen of democrazy. 
That preys on our darkest fears 
And greatest desires. 

A share of the National Cake.


The poet persona laments over the unequal distribution of societal opportunities, benefits and rightS by the upper class of his country.

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