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Founded in 2020 with reference to the provisions of Article 4/2 of the Memorandum of Magnolian Publishers Limited (Registration number TPPRR.RC.BDA.2010B.202), the Cameroon-Nigerian Writers League (CNWL) is a non-governmental and nonprofit organisation with the following objectives:

i) To bring together Cameroonian and Nigerian budding, emerging and established writers into a magnificent conclave.
ii) To exchange our ideas and experiences in the creative writing career, and discuss issues of common interest.
iii) To find ways and means of raising funds to sponsor our joint publications and other projects. 
iv) To hold annual conferences and have debates, scholarly presentations, literary readings on diverse subjects in all genres, book exhibitions and sales.
v) To organise inter-cultural festivals garnished with dancing, acting, fashion parade and heavy feasting.
vi) To identify the problems affecting creative writing and creative writers and their present-day local and global challenges, and find lasting solutions to them. 
vii) To partner with other national and international writers organisations, educational institutions, publishing houses, libraries and NGOs with similar objectives and showcase their visions, missions and activities thereby promoting cross-border cooperation among writers.
viii) To connect with high-profiled scholastic and artistic mentors, patrons and patronesses to boost our organisation's image. 
ix) To give nationwide and worldwide publicity to our individual and joint publications, and break new grounds for the marketing of our books and other products.

Interim Coordinator,
Nkwetatang Sampson Nguekie,
Bamenda - Cameroon,
Telephone & WhatsApp: +237 677 26 19 86
Email: repsampson@yahoo.com

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