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_“In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;”_ – Eph 1:7

The forgiveness of sins is the fundamental purpose of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. While the Cross provides us sonship, healing, protection, victory over death and demons, etc., all of those would be meaningless if we are still unforgiven of our sins. 

In fact, Jesus did not come to heal our diseases, or to give us a good life; His primary reason for coming to the world – according to the angel that appeared to His adopted father, Joseph – was to _“ save his people from their sins.”_ (Mt 1:21).

Which is what He did when He died on the Cross that fateful day on Calvary. As 1Pe 2:24 puts it, _“He took our sins on Himself, giving His body to be nailed on the tree,”_ (BBE); and as the prophet Isaiah declared six centuries earlier, _“It was for our sins He was wounded, and for our evil doings He was crushed: He took the punishment by which we have peace, and by his wounds we are made well.”_ (Isaiah 53:5 BBE).

Therefore, the stripes were for our sins, the blows were for our sins, the entire gauntlet of torture, pain and shame that Christ went through at His death was to purchase for us eternal “redemption through His blood;” which Paul defines as _“the forgiveness of sins”_ (Eph 1:7; also Col 1:14).

Any gospel, theology, or doctrine, that trivialises, downplays, or castigates this principle, is not a gospel at all, and is not in line with the doctrine of scripture.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

- Nigeria
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