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 22-10-1444 AH/12-05-2023 CE

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.

The probing questions that remain unanswerable is the all about the vanity of life and ite sojourn. End of the road, I mean end of everything becomes imminent from the fact that the adventure of man began one day. And above all, just as Information Technology (IT) Expert writes software only to be policed with viruses human nature becomes regimented with death. Its timeliness or otherwise remains the perodgative of the Omnipotent Creator, Allah (SWT).

Putting in place various measures to avoid death arising from ailment, military, traditional or orthodox protectives soon becomes futile when sickness defer treatment, security personnel becomes agitated, juju's efficacy lapses the owner's life expires. Allah (SWT) declared categorically in Qur'an 62:8: "Say: 'the death from which you run away shall meet you one day, when you shall be returned to the Knower of the hidden and the conspicuous, and you shall be informed of your deeds." The verse drops the hint that death is inevitable to all creatures.

The fact that tasting of death permeates the level of all creatures deposit in them the undeniable task of goodness in all ramifications. Rights and duties appear complementary in this respect. To Muslims, enjoyment of five main rights is task that must be accomplished according to the noble Messenger (SAW). In an Hadith reported by Abi Hurayrah (R. A), who said he heard the noble Messenger (SAW) saying: 'five aspects of social rights accrue to individual and collective Muslim. They are returning Salamah (greeting), visiting the ill, following and attending funerals, responding to invitation and od course blessing the person who sneezes.'

To single out Janazah for discussion, aspects of talqin and recitation of Suratu Yasin would be considered while it is hoped to be continued during the next episode.

Talqin is feeding a dying soul with 'La ilaha illa Allah' in line with the noble Messenger's directive thus:'Laqinu maotaakum La ilaha illa Allah'. (Ibn Majah 2445/6, Muslim 916/7). As against the usual practice of doing so posthumously soon after putting the dead in the grave, the Talqin mentioned here is capable of benefitting the dying if heralded with the Kalimah before he died. The noble Messenger was reported having said:'whosoever is blessed with saying of 'La ilaha illa Allah' as his last word, is surely admitted in Al Jannah. Ash Shaykh Albaani submits to this view of Talqin with the dying and not on the graveyard. This write up holds on to this view even though its view still awaits proof of authority for that of graveyard.

Secondly, the noble Messenger was reported to have enjoined the recitation of Suratu Yasin before a deceased passes on. Ibn Majah recorded in 1448 Hadith: Iqra'uha 'inda maotaakum ie Suratu Yasin.' (Ibn Majah 1448). Event though he noted that the Hadith does noy enjoy popular views, its record and practices show the comparative advantage of  its recitation to both living and dying for palpable treatment and gentility. 

Till we meet again in the next episode where we shall be taking on aspects of wiping over the dead's face, mourning, leaving unto Allah to take charge, bathing, shrouding and Salatul Janazah, Jumu'ah Mubaarakah to all.

As salaam alaykum.

Imam and Missioner Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch
- Nigeria 

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