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_“Oh that Thou wouldest bless me indeed.”_ – 1Chr 4:10.

The story of Jabez is one of the most enigmatic in scriptures. His story bursts into the scene, without warning – and without thematic context, runs on for just two verses, and disappears without further reference.

It’s strange because of his person, its place, and its purpose. 

The story of Jabez is weird because of the _person_ of Jabez. He was, in terms of the biblical narrative, a nobody. He wasn’t a prophet, a priest, a judge or a king. He wasn’t a patriarch, or even (like Oded) a father or grandfather of somebody important (Rth 4:22). In order words, his story is just about him alone and does not help advance the plot of the narrative. 

Jabez’s story of is weird because of its _place_ in the Bible – right in the middle of a long list of genealogies. Having started from the literal first man, the Book of 1 Chronicles starts listing out the genealogies of the patriarchs and all the branches, and subbranches of the families of the Adam’s descendants.

As was once noted here on this Devotional, _“After listing out over two thousand words comprising of genealogical records, the author suddenly – and without warning – breaks into the story of Jabez for just two verses, and then continues his monotonous litany of obscure names and even more obscure relationships for another six more chapters.”_

But most intriguing of Jabez’s story is the banality of his prayer. He wasn’t praying for wisdom like Solomon, or for victory in battle like David, or interceding for the nation like Moses or Jeremiah. The person Jabez was praying for was (you may want to sit down for this) _HIMSELF!_

Jabez’s story reminds us that spiritual time can be personal time, too. Yes, as Believers, we’re supposed to _set our affections on things above, not on things on the earth_ (Php 3:20; Col 3:2); but Jabez’s story makes us see that there’s nothing wrong in asking God to bless you for you.

How do we know that? Because at the end of his passioned Jabez-centric prayer, the scriptures say, _“God granted him that which he requested,”_ (1Ch 4:10).

Beloved, don’t short-change yourself in the name of spirituality. If you have a legitimate need, no matter how carnal or transient it is, take it to God today. You have a Heavenly Father who is ready, willing, and able to answer. 

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name
- Nigeria

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