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_“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”_ (John 1.14)
Good communication is extremely important in any family. It is the key to a healthy relationship between husband and wife, parents and children. However, many families suffer from a lack of adequate communication.
God knows how to communicate with perfection. In order that we might understand his love for us and his special plan for our lives, he sent Jesus to the world to live among us. Jesus became a man in order to communicate God’s message to us. Christ communicated with love and truth.
As we observe this divine method of communication, we are able to notice some principles that can help us in our family life:
Communication is a two-way street.Jesus became like us in order that the communication might be more effective. It’s important that we also identify with the other person in order that he/ she might understand what we are saying.
We talk and we listen.
Communication should be full of grace and truth. It is so important for us to be honest and open in our communication, but we must also be full of grace. We must be so careful not to hurt or offend. Always be sincere. Be honest and take responsibility for your own mistakes. Communication with your wife, husband, and children, should always be for the purpose of sharing, planning, or resolving a conflict. It should never be used to vent your anger.
We all need good communication. No one is an island, isolated from all the rest. The Lord did everything possible and everything necessary to tell us how much we mean to him, to the point of sending his only Son to live among us and transmit his words. We have a responsibility to improve our communication skills with the other members of our family if we want to enjoy tranquillity, comfort, and security in our homes.


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