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Collaboration With Your Quote Baba

When a group of writers meet a group of readers,

They discuss about the problems they faced from the start till finishing their book. To managing funds for publishing their book and earning the Title of becoming an Author and/or how hard it is to be a Bard in the world filled with different mind sets related to poetry.  

Like how they see poetry because it's mostly related to fame and name but either they are under paid or not paid at all. So they have to leave Poetry and try to find happiness in other things and parents also avoid their kids trying to be full time Poets because every work is full time and it's more like a "Dead Industry". Where how much ever you try nothing changes because it's not like other mainstream Arts where you have Degrees or Diplomas like in Art and Craft, Drama, Music, etc. Where you can actually make a living or career out of it because they know only Readers will understand their pain and other Authors or Poets who are trying to survive in the dead ocean filled with countless Poets and Authors because they put their heart and soul into their pieces but they are not valued or respected the way they should have been.

This is what I think personally being an Author too.

Time:19:42 PM IST
© Author Nishant S Vaidya
(Rhyme Guru)
- 🇮🇳 India

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