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When ever l look at her, my heart skips a beat.
When l'm with her, it beats faster.
When ever lm near her ,
l feel like Paradise.
What's this feeling?.

When ever l see her, I feel happy.
When ever l see her, I my mood changes.
When ever l look at her ,my day is complete.
I feel like sleeping and wait for the next day to meet her again.
To see her beautiful face again.
I can't understand this feeling.
it's an unusual feeling.
What's this feeling?.

l always heard that people fall in love.
l had never fell in love.
But she has thought me how to love.
She has thought me how to live.
How to understand life .
She is now my life.
She's now my breath.
l love her.
lt was hard to understand .
But now l do.
Now l do understand.
Now l do.
l love her.

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- Zimbabwe 

The poet persona confesses his everlasting love to a woman. The voice seems to be controlled by his strong affection for this woman.

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