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...but perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love q thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows best. Today, the major reason why divorce, suicide, rape, heartbreak, betrayal, unrest, war, family issues, injustice, adultery and fornication have become prevalent in the society we find ourselves is because we muslims, humans in general have not only forgotten God but we have lost faith in Allah. Yes, you, I and we have forgotten Allah! 

It is so pathetic that today, we humans, especially the muslim youths of this generation give more importance to the creation instead of the creator himself, we worship that which Allah himself has created instead of worshipping Allah who is the creator himself, we obey our nerves just to satisfy our worldly desires which are temporary, and disobey Allah who has the power to give and take from us and we rely so much on man in times of distress, pain and agony, whereas Allah is the one who has the power to heal no matter how serious the pain is. But, when we don't call on and rely on Allah for everything no matter how weighty or trivial, how then do we expect Allah to come to our aid. It is only when we call out to him that he can heed our call.

ALLAH SAID, in Surah Ghafir, verse 40:60 “CALL UPON ME; AND I WILL ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS." It is apparently undisputable that many muslims today do not read the Qur'an, talk more of pondering about the in-depth meaning of this verse. Dear brethren, DuÊ¿a’ – Indeed what a thing of beauty it is. Be it a time of happiness, sadness or a cry for help, we can turn directly to our Lord without any intermediary, appointments, extravagant offerings or any kind of payments between them. This is something that no man can offer to his fellow human, because we humans are blinded by our own SELFISH INTEREST, and for that, we always expect something in return for a good deed.

Allah tells us in the Quran: And when My servants ask you, (O Muhammad), concerning Me – indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me (by obedience) and believe in Me that they may be (rightly) guided. [Sûrat Al-Baqarah, 2:186] Subhanallah! This is a proof of Allah's love for and mercy upon us. 

Dear brethren, I want us to understand that as long as Allah is the one that created us, then nothing can happen to us, be it good or bad, without his might and for that reason every other thing aside Allah, his prophet Muhammad (SAW), his holy book; the Qur'an and the Hadith and Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad (SAW) should be SECONDARY and given less Importance. 

Dear muslims, it is important for us to know that Allah did not create us to be perfect, and for that reason, we are bound to make mistakes or commit sins unconsciously, but when we make a mistake or sin against Allah, the only person we should turn to, repent of our sins to and seek forgiveness from is ALLAH because he is ever forgiving.

As imperfect humans, we are bound to deviate from the right path, but when we feel like we are not walking on the right path, rather than seeking advice from our fellow humans who they themselves may. be misguided or threading the wrong path and in return may take us farther away from Allah, let us bow only to Allah in Salah, seek his guidance alone, seek his advice first and if we are sincere, then he will surely guide us aright.

Part of our imperfect nature is the fact that we are bound to feel down, experience pain, encounter problems, face challenges and criticisms, but during times like this when we are in dire need of a confidant, companion, someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on or solutions to our problems, rather than going to or seeking the help of a SORCERER, FORTUNE TELLER, PASTOR OR IMAM, let us TURN TO ALLAH ALONE!  Let us talk to and share our pain, worries and problems with Allah alone, let us confide in Allah alone, let us pour out our pain to Allah alone and let us seek the solutions to our numerous problems from Allah alone, NOT our friends may be wishing for our own DESTRUCTION, not our pastors or imams who may want to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SITUATION AND INDULGE IN ADULTERY, FORNICATION OR EVEN RAPE! 

Aside the fact that a lot is happening in our today's world, everything that surrounds us as muslims today are either HARAM, our own ENEMIES or our DESTRUCTION, and for that we cannot afford to be ignorant as muslims, talk more of trusting just anyone, no matter how much we think we know them. 

Still, it is important for us to note that calling on Allah does not only mean reciting dua when we are in need and miseries. Calling on Allah also means to do so when we have been given a blessing. If Allah has made us happy we should call on Allah and tell Him Subhanawataala how immensely grateful we are. For Allah has asked us to be grateful of all that we have and not to be arrogant. 

In the same way when we are afflicted with a misery Allah has asked us to call on him so that He may help. Allah says in the Quran “Remember me and I will remember you.” How many of us remember Allah till we have are surrounded by a problem? Hardly any. Yet Allah is all forgiving and All merciful. He yet again asks us to call on Him

In the Quran Allah has given us proof of Him answering to us when we call on him. He has told us how immensely close He is to us. Allah says: “And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein” (50:16). Allah has said he is closer than a man’s jugular vein because that is the vein that is in the neck and hence closer to a human but Allah is closer to us than even that, then why do we not call on Him, make dua to Him and ask him for what we desire?

It is only when we have complete faith in the Being of Allah is when we will believe that He can do anything.  When we believe that what Allah gives us is for our benefit and what he does not give us is ALSO for our benefit, that is when our faith is actually complete. What Allah has given to us NONE can take away, and what Allah has chosen NOT to give us, no one can give us that. He is the Planner. He is the allocator and He is the Sustainer. So call out to Him and turn to him for help alone.

We ask Allah to continue to guide us, protect us and shield us from the evil of the seen and unseen. We ask Allah to not make us instruments for Shaytan, we ask Allah to continue to increase us in Iman, we ask Allah not to take away the privilege he has given us to worship him from us, we ask Allah to forgive all our shortcomings, perfect our dispositions and we ask Allah not to make us die EXCEPT AS MUSLIMS. Amin!

- Nigeria 

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