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05-12-1444 AH/23-06-2023 CE
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

There is no saying the fact Prophet Ibrahim's condition of childlessness turned around to blessing and the Eidul Ad-ha became a point of scepter of such monumental blessing. Not only the divine religions are beneficiaries of such gracious achievements but also other variant formations. However, Allah declares categorically that Prophet Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian but a pure Muslim and never among the Idolators.

Juxtaposing this with the Quranic assertion that: "To every people did We appoint a rites (of sacrifice), that they might celebrate the remembrance of the name of Allah over the sustenance He gave them from animals (fit for food). But your God is One God, submit then your wills to Him (in Islam); and give the good news to those who humble themselves." This shows that men must perpetually be subservient to Allah.

In the same token, Quran 35:15-17 postulates that: "Human being is perpetually in wants and Allah is the most buoyant. If He wishes men could be exchanged for better group and doing that remains not difficult." It is no doubt that there is every enablement for Allah to effect any order to suit His purpose.

Finally, Quran 22: 36-37 that the hallmarks of Eidul Ad-ha remain felling of animals in sacrifice to Allah alone. It reads in part:"... And when it is completely fell, eat of it, give unto the contented (would-not-ask), and the beggars (who would ask), as such it was suppressed for you to give praise. For, neither its blood nor its flesh reaches Allah but only the piety characteristics the sacrifice from your end and for you to celebrate the name of Allah unto which you were guided and for you to appreciate (His blessing). 

This verse is clearly explained in the Hadith narrated by Anas bn Malik. It says: The noble Prophet sacrificed two hefty rams with his hand on which Allah's name and praises were mentioned and he put his leg on their fur."

Eidul Ad-ha days spread across 10th-13th days of Dhul-Hijjah. The elasticity provides for necessity and to maximize reward. Some criteria are placed for the varieties of animal fit for sacrifice. For instance, 12 month old rams and goats, 2 year old cows or 5 year old camels. These must be ailment-free. Harsh loan and interest loan is not allowed to facilitate the sacrifice. More importantly, threading with caution during the festive period in eating, drinking and other fun defines the 'Taqwa' (piety) emphasized toward the end of Q22:37 mentioned above. Most importantly, bearing in mind the plight of Prophet Ibrahim whereby his sorrow was mysteriously turn happiness is a philosophy from which every Muslim must draw life-long lesson.

Till we meet again during the next edition, Eidun Mubaarak in advance. Ma'as salaamah.

DR. RAZAQ BOLAWAYE UTHMAN, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State
- Nigeria 

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