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They crawl there in hoardes,
Down sinister putrifying corridors
Bitter bullocks of gloomy dreams
Castrated by choking poverty
Toothless, sterile hounds.

In shells they've sulked,
Condemned to freaky shadows
Where fear is inverted into hate;
Misdirected emotions,poked minds,
Morning stars fading to oblivion

Along bloody corridors to hell,
Life is trashed with impunity
Around corners of dark alleys,
For a measly worn out dollar
To satiate wrongly steered habits

Here, they meditate by day,
Silently revisiting graceful moments
Of sinister feats poor world missed,
Stinky rtuals of notoriety accolades
Clouded in ecstatic cocaine highs,
Or wallowing in pot's ruthless grip

On the bleaky dusty streets,
The sorrowful fatigued witness,
Of the vices time misheeded
The blood it gulped in protest,
Of bitter souls of forced exits

Here, dreaded mysteries of hell,
Exist not in mystic afterlife
But bitter realities of a cold life,
Here they know it...
Poverty killed many a man

Within walls of horrid tin hovels,
Fear crippled couples cower
Cocking for occassional intrudes,
When nocturnal hunts shoot blanks 
Blazing muzzles turn on them

Down ill-illuminated horror street,
By the aged crooked apple tree
Stereo dins overwhelm chilly nights,
Amid cocophonic, sodomic shrieks
Eventual wimphers on rusty beds,
Satiating patrons of hell's corridors.

J.M @Savannah Inks
- Zimbabwe

The poet uses simple diction to open the terrible happenings of people in hell. The voice also gives that some persons die of innocence and hunger and yet still fight themselves in hell. The path to hell is not always too terrible to deserve the experience in hell.

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