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Today, I'll tell  you about the marital affairs of the prophet and Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, a mother to believers and the first woman to accept Islam. But before that, I'd like to take you through a drama of two scenes. Oh no, less I forget, I'm JUSH 🙂.

       Title: Marriage Proposal

First scene in the LIVING ROOM: 
      enters Roheemah and Hameed

A cozy living room bathed in warm sunlight crawling from the half opened windows, Roheemah, a young Muslim lady in her twenties, sits on the couch, her face etched with anxiety. Her older brother, Hameed, paces back and forth, his brows furrowed with concern.

Hameed stops pacing and takes a deep breath, gathering his courage.

HAMEED: (softly) Roheemah, I need to talk to you about something important.

Roheemah looks up, her eyes filled with trepidation.

ROHEEMAH: (nervously) What is it, Hameed? You seem so serious.

Hammed walks over to the window, gazing at the outside world for a moment before turning to face Roheemah.

HAMEED: (firmly) Roheemah, you know our family's traditions, our obligations. It's time for you to get married.

Roheemah's eyes widen in shock, tears welling up.

ROHEEMAH: (teary-eyed) But Hameed, I'm not ready for marriage! I have dreams, aspirations... I want to explore the world, make a difference.

Hameed's face softens, but determination flickers in his eyes.

HAMEED: (sincerely)I understand, Roheemah. But as your brother, it's my responsibility to ensure your future and honor our family's traditions. I've found someone for you.

Roheemah's voice trembles as she struggles to hold back her emotions.

ROHEEMAH: (whispering) And what about love, Hameed? What about finding someone who makes my heart sing?

Hameed takes a step closer, his voice filled with empathy.

HAMEED: (tenderly) Love is a beautiful thing, Roheemah. But sometimes, it's about more than just personal happiness. It's about our duty to our family, to our community. Trust me, I've thought long and hard about this.

Roheemah's tears flow freely now, her voice quivering.

ROHEEMAH: (pleading) Hameed, please understand that my happiness is equally important. Can't you give me more time? Let me find love on my own terms?

Hameed's eyes well up, torn between his love for his sister and the weight of tradition.

HAMEED: (whispering) Roheemah, I've seen you grow into a strong, compassionate woman. I know you'll find happiness, even if it's not in the way you imagined. But our traditions, our faith, bind us together. Please, trust that I want what's best for you.

Roheemah takes a deep breath, her resolve mingling with her pain.

ROHEEMAH:(resolute 🥺) Hameed, I trust you more than anyone in this world. If you believe this is the right path for me, I will walk it. But promise me one thing: that I will have the chance to find love, to build a life where my heart can find solace.

Hameed's eyes glisten with tears as he embraces his sister tightly.

HAMEED:(emotional) I promise, Roheemah. I promise that no matter what happens, I will support you in your search for love and happiness. Our bond will never be broken.

They hold each other, their love and determination merging into a single unbreakable force, smile at each other, Hameed winkles at her and both leave the scene.


The second scene at the  COFFEE SHOP

Roheemah, dressed in a vibrant hijab, enters a bustling coffee shop. Her eyes scan the room until they land on Farid, a Muslim brother known for his kindness and intellect, sitting at a corner table, engrossed in a book, he loves reading and writing and spend most of his time writing and reading, he gets himself involved in most things, with this, many sisters love and wish to be around him. Roheemah takes a deep breath, summoning her courage, and walks over to him.

Roheemah stands near the table, peeping at what Farid is reading, her heart pounding in her chest. She hesitates for a moment, then clears her throat to catch Farid's attention with a soft teslim 🥲, Startled, Farid looks up from his book, a mix of surprise and curiosity on his face, replied the teslim with cut, in-between.

FARID: (smiling) Roheemah! What a pleasant surprise. Is everything okay?

Roheemah returns his smile, her voice filled with determination.

ROHEEMAH: (confidently) Farid, I need to talk to you about something important. Can we find a quiet place to sit?

Farid closes his book and nods, gesturing for her to follow him. They find a secluded booth, away from the bustling crowd.

ROHEEMAH:(nervously) Farid, I've admired you from afar for quite some time now. Your dedication to your faith, your kindness—it's inspiring. And today, I find myself standing at a crossroads, where duty and desire clash within me.

Farid listens attentively, his eyes fixed on Roheemah.

FARID: (curious) What is it, Roheemah? You can trust me. I'm here to listen.

Roheemah takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts.

ROHEEMAH: (resolutely) Farid, I have been obligated to consider an arranged marriage. But my heart yearns for more, for a connection built on love and shared values. And when I look at you, I see a man whose faith aligns with mine, whose character ignites a fire within me.

Farid's expression shifts from surprise to contemplation.

FARID: (sincerely) Roheemah, you have always intrigued me, and your strength of character is undeniable. But are you certain this is the path you wish to pursue? It's a decision that could have lasting consequences.

ROHEEMAH: (determined) Farid, I've thought long and hard about this. I believe that love, built on a foundation of mutual respect and shared values, can withstand any challenge. We may not have had the chance to cross paths naturally, but I refuse to let duty extinguish the possibility of love.

Farid's eyes soften as he takes in Roheemah's words.

FARID:(softly) Roheemah, I have always admired your courage and conviction. Your proposal touches my heart, and I share your belief in the power of love. But we must also be mindful of the potential obstacles and challenges we may face.

Roheemah places her hand gently on Faird's, her eyes filled with hope.

ROHEEMAH: (earnestly) Farid, let us embark on this journey together, fully aware of the obstacles we may encounter. I believe that with faith, understanding, and unwavering support, we can overcome anything that comes our way. Will you walk this path with me, Farid? 🥲😊🧕

Farid gazes deeply into Roheemah's eyes, a mixture of awe and adoration in his expression.

FARID: (whispering) Roheemah, I cannot deny the connection between us, nor the depth of emotions you evoke within me. I am honored and humbled by your proposal. Yes, I will walk this path with you, hand in hand, trusting in our love and our shared faith. This is just like the story of the marriage proposal between Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid and Muhammad bin Abdullah (the prophet), should I remind you of it, very similar to ours, though with few differences.
ROHEEMAH: (astonished) yes Farid, go on, I'll love to listen 🙂. Roheemah's face lights up with joy as they clasp hands.

FARID: (softly clears his throat) Khadijah bint Khuwaylid was a noble and successful businesswoman in Mecca. Known for her intelligence, wisdom, and generosity, she commanded respect in the community. When she heard about Muhammad's reputation for his honesty and integrity, she approached him to seek his assistance in a business matter.

Impressed by Muhammad's character and honorable demeanor, Khadijah proposed a business partnership and entrusted him with her wealth. Little did they know that this partnership would soon blossom into a deep and profound love.

As they spent more time together, Khadijah began to see the remarkable qualities that set Muhammad apart. She recognized his kindness, humility, and his commitment to justice. Muhammad, too, admired Khadijah for her strength, wisdom, and unwavering support.

Their friendship gradually transformed into a profound love that was built on a foundation of mutual respect, trust, and shared values. Khadijah, who was older than Muhammad, proposed marriage to him, and he accepted without hesitation.

Their marriage was a true partnership, with Khadijah providing love, support, and encouragement to Muhammad as he embarked on his prophetic mission. She was his confidante, advisor, and the first person to embrace Islam. In the face of opposition and hardships, Khadijah remained a steadfast pillar of strength, always there to uplift and console her beloved husband.

Prophet Muhammad, in turn, cherished and deeply loved Khadijah. He often spoke fondly of her even after her passing, reminiscing about her unwavering faith in him during the early days of Islam. Her love and unwavering belief in his mission gave him the strength to persevere through the most challenging times.

Their marriage was blessed with children, both sons and daughters. Despite the hardships they faced, Muhammad and Khadijah created a warm and loving home for their family. Their children grew up witnessing their parents' profound love, compassion, and devotion, setting an example for future generations.

The love between Muhammad and Khadijah serves as a timeless reminder that a successful marriage is built on trust, support, and respect. Their union exemplified the importance of standing together through thick and thin, supporting one another's dreams, and nurturing a loving and harmonious household.

ROHEEMAH: (signs) this is heart soothing and fascinating.

FARID: I hope the upcoming couples takes this bold step of ours and I pray Allah bless their union and make marital affairs easy for them


Both smiles and leaves the scenes

Again, I am JUSH 🙂

(Abu Qaanit)
- Nigeria 

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