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About Africa's freedom
Predicament and history for as long as the history of mankind can remember 
She has been stepped upon, molested, discriminated
Exploited of her natural gifting been called an animal, as inferior, as barbaric and also a slave.

Pains and suffering was a daily breakfast to her
She saw and experienced a lot of wars and conflicts
With innocent blood spilled all over her 
As many as the waters in the Nile river.

She was made to eat from the ground, rotten foods and thrown away leftovers,
Though she was always seen as nonentity, 
But in reality she is the mightiest of them all not to even talk of her beauty,  
Which was out of this for she was, and is, and will always be black.

She became the strongest of them all,
Blessed with all the beautiful thing,
Mother nature could offer a person,
As she became enlightened and conscious of all her capabilities and abilities to do things,
Beyond her superiors, 
She gathered the courage and said to them, 

"Go back from whence which you came from you devils."
And she was forever liberated.

 - Ghana 🇬🇭

The poet leaks the sufferings of Africa and addresses Africa as a woman. The voice later concludes that Africa is blessed with admirable abilities and enjoys liberation at last.  


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