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A day laying in sounds 
a hero to celebrate...
fay's and tay's so loud, 
we celebrate your serenity,
ooh dad ...

Every day you are there for us,
every battle you fought for us,
days of cries you wiped us 
strong bond you built on us 
a father you are.

When night's went dry,
every morning you are present to us 
sometimes we slept hungry 
not because you weren't there for , but Storms of life were strong 
yet you never quited from our faces 
we survived days without food ,
but you were there for us ,

What can I offer for you 
yet I haven't seen a gift worth of it 
you made my days upto date ,
my teacher you never left 
characters you should me 
manhood you insticked in me 

This day I can't relate 
let me say thank you, 
oh dad.

You deserve a hand of gratitude 
Abundant life I pray for you 
let me say this for now 
for I can say more than this.

(Dripping pen 🖊)

The poet persona celebrates fathers on this special day and wishes them long life. The voice concludes that they deserve more than the gratitude they can ever receive.

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