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When I look at the birds,
Their love be so real,
Paired up in twos,
Never parting ways,
For they fly together till death.

When night creeps in,
They light up the nest,
That's with their love en not lights,
As she gets under his feather,
Since her protector he's!

When the sun gets to wake up,
As it gets spread it's arms to stretch,
The birds sing melodiously,
While kissing from tree to the other celebrating,
Celebrating a new dawn of their life en love!

I wonder en wander not like Wanda,
Why can't we be like birds,
Must love be a transaction to us,
Whereby we're hot wired to desire,
Later kill it before it gets mature en beautiful!


The poet persona displays the ave animal as an animal of decorum and orderliness. Therefore, the speaker encourages human beings to love birds and imitate the sincerity found in birds.

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